Jul 22
Changes to Chapter 8 - Health and Safety


8.5.4 - Locations as Emergency Shelters​​​​​

The American National Red Cross, a not-for-profit corporation chartered by the United States Congress, provides services to individuals, families, and communities when disaster strikes. The disaster relief activities of the Red Cross are made possible by the American public, as the organization is supported by private donations and property owners who permit their buildings to be used as a temporary refuge for disaster victims. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles wishes to assist and cooperate with the Red Cross as part of its mission to provide physical as well as spiritual aid and comfort to the faithful and the community in times of crisis. Accordingly, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Red Cross have entered into a Master Agreement that describes the process to be followed if a location wishes to participate in this mission.

The location, in its sole discretion and upon written request by the Red Cross, after meeting its responsibilities to its students, parishioners, and personnel, may permit the nonexclusive use of its premises by the Red Cross as a temporary site to provide disaster or emergency services or shelter.

For the purposes hereof, the term "disaster or emergency services or shelter" shall mean a service delivery or short-term emergency shelter intended to act as a safe haven from a disaster or emergency declared as such by the local, county, or state government, until such time as victims can return to their homes or locate alternative housing.

If a location agrees to allow the Red Cross to use its premises as a temporary site to provide disaster or emergency services or shelter, the location and the Red Cross shall fill out and execute Exhibit A: Schedule to American Red Cross Master Emergency Services User Agreement describing the portion of the premises to be used, the services to be provided, and any other pertinent terms, restrictions, and conditions that are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Master Agreement.

The Red Cross will have responsibility for the operation of the shelter and will designate a Red Cross official, the shelter manager, to manage the sheltering activities. The location will designate a location coordinator to coordinate with the shelter manager regarding the use of the facility by the Red Cross.

The Red Cross shall provide its standard services to shelter occupants, including disaster health services, food, and other dormitory services, and it will provide sufficient staff and supplies to support its operations. The shelter manager will coordinate with law enforcement regarding any public safety issues at the location. At no time will the location be responsible for safety or security during the Red Cross's operation of the facility.

The location may conduct religious services at the temporary shelter during its use by the Red Cross, including prayer, the display of religious pictures and symbols, and the sacraments. The location shall not require participation in any religious services by those present. The Red Cross shall ensure that any religious services or prayer conducted at the shelter during Red Cross use shall be undisturbed and uninterrupted and shall be treated with respect. The Red Cross shall not allow any staff, volunteer, guest, client, patron, or other person to interfere with, prevent, ridicule, or hinder the free exercise of the religious services at the facility during Red Cross use.​


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