| Chapter 13 - Students and Families has been reviewed and updated. Schools with online parent-student handbooks that are built on the Archdiocesan template, should review and make a note of the updates. |
| Chapter 13.11.10 has been updated to reflect the current process for review of complaints by parents/guardians who have issues concerning their child who is a student at a school. Please ensure that parents/guardians are informed of the clarifications to the process. |
| The Code of Christian Conduct that applies to archdiocesan schools has been updated. Please review promptly with all affected stakeholders -- parents/guardians, students, teachers, staff and volunteers.
| A new set of ethical standards and principles and a set timeline for admissions to high schools in the Archdiocese have been added to the Admissions section in Chapter 13.
| To address new state law requirements, the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) has been updated to include a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP). All locations must have a customized IIPP and WVPP. Guidance and templates are located in Chapter 8.6.
| You are no longer required to give every employee at the worksite Notice of Potential Exposure to COVID-19 when someone at the worksite tests positive. You are only required to notify close contacts. No particular form is required.
| The infectious period starts 2 days prior to the start of symptoms and ends after 24 hours, unless symptoms are severe and/or accompanied by fever. If there is a fever, the infectious period ends 24 hours after the fever stops. If there are no symptoms, there is no infectious period.
| Effective July 1, 2024, the minimum wage for non-exempt employees working in the following areas will be increased:
The City of Los Angeles and the unincorporated areas of the County of Los Angeles, Malibu, Pasadena and Santa Monica. The City of West Hollywood's minimum wage will remain the same until December 31, 2024. The minimum wage chart has been updated accordingly.
| Transportation: the authorized price for a priest's vehicle is increased from $27,000 to $32,000. 403(b) Plan: extern priests and priests applying for incardination are eligible for participation in the 403(b) plan
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