Directory Information
“Directory information” means one
or more of the following items: a pupil’s name, address, telephone number,
date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic
teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent
previous public or private school attended by the pupil.
Under California law, directory information is not subject to the same degree of confidentiality and privacy protection as pupil records. However, to the extent possible, the school will minimize access to student residence address, phone numbers and email addresses, unless the parents/guardians consent to broader access. To the extent possible, other users of directory information should also try to minimize access to and distribution of student phone numbers and personal email addresses, unless the parents/guardians consent to broader access.
Lists of room parents/guardians, students in each grade, phone numbers, email addresses, and any other personal information about families and students are considered confidential and may be used for official school purposes only. Those entrusted with this information may not use it for purposes that have not been approved by school administrator, including posting on social media. The Code of Christian Conduct and the Acceptable Use Policy apply to all uses of the personal information.
In no cases should commercial enterprises have access to directory information.
Release of Student Information for Tracking Purposes
Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles participate in programs in which student information is disclosed to school officials for purposes of tracking alumni throughout college. This data enables schools to better serve their alumni and helps evaluate the effectiveness of schools' curriculum, instruction, and support services.
A school may disclose student Information to school officials, including contracted individuals or organizations such as the National Student Clearinghouse, to assist the school in tracking its alumni throughout college. Unless a parent, student, or former student files a notice to prevent disclosure of student information, a student's information may be released for such purposes.
Any parent or student over 18 ("eligible student") wishing to prevent disclosure of student information for tracking purposes must file a written notification to this effect with the principal. If a parent or eligible student submits a request to the principal, it becomes effective on the day it is received by the principal, except for directory information that has already been disclosed.
Once a parent or eligible student places a hold on the release of student information, the restriction remains in effect permanently, unless rescinded by the parent or eligible student. For this reason, each parent and eligible student is encouraged to review the student's demographic data periodically.
For additional information, please see the National Student Clearinghouse.
7-9-2021, 8-20-24