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​“Adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be "the central task in [this] catechetical enterprise," becoming "the axis around which revolves the catechesis of childhood and adolescence as well as that of old age."  (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us​, 5)  ​​

"The Church's catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity, enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel. Consequently, appropriate goals and content will embrace all the faith dimensions of an adult life—for example, understanding and communicating the faith, skills needed for personal growth, the experience of family life, relationships, public service, and concern for the common good.” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us​, 64)  ​

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Education​ is a central informational resource and source of referral for adult faith formation and education. Other Archdiocesan offices that are involved with formation are the Office for Divine Worsh​ip, the Office of New Evangelization and Parish Life​, the Office of Marriage and Family Life​, and the Office of LIfe, Justice and Peace​.​​

The goals of adult faith formation ​are to:

  • Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in holiness of life.  ​

  • Promote and support active membership in the Christian community

  • Call and prepare adults to live as missionary disciples in the world.  ​

All parish leaders, including the pastor, as well as key persons in the parish administration need to be formed and trained to understand the importance of supporting adult faith formation.  

Based on the Gospel values and Church documents, adult faith formation in all locations​ should:​

  • Provide leadership training and resources to local church leaders in their different ranks: parish, deanery, and pastoral region in the areas of human, pastoral, spiritual, theological, academic, and technological formation.

  • Promote the respect and unity of different Catholic groups and organizations in their particular calling and charism.

  • Value cultural traditions.

  • Support justice and peace, especially for the most vulnerable in our society.

  • Respect human dignity.

  • Use media and communications to educate, catechize, and evangelize at a variety of academic levels.

  • Promote adult faith leadership through the use of discernment, and the integral balance of all dimensions of the human person (spirituality).

  • Promote on-going formation.

  • Promote the collaboration of pastoral ministries.

​Adult faith formation content, drawn from Scripture and Tradition, includes:

  • ​Knowledge of the faith 

  • Liturgical life and the sacraments

  • Moral formation 

  • Prayer

  • Communal life 

  • Missionary spirit.

