5.11.2 Core Values for Teachers
The importance of the faith and life of the teacher was highlighted by The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education (The Catholic School, 43):
achievement of [the] specific aim of the Catholic school depends not so
much on the subject matter or methodology as on the people who work
there. The extent to which the Christian message is transmitted through
education depends to a very great extent on the teachers. The
integration of culture and faith is mediated by the other integration of
faith and life in the person of the teacher. The nobility of the task
to which teachers are called demands that in imitation of Christ, the
only Teacher, they reveal the Christian message not only by word, but
also by every gesture of their behavior. This is what makes the
difference between a school whose education is permeated by the
Christian spirit and one in which religion is only regarded as an
academic subject like any other."
Teachers are called to strive
toward the ideals and qualities desired in persons engaged in the
ministry of Catholic education. Those who are members of the Catholic
Church are called to live in accordance with the teachings and precepts
of the Church. Those who are not Catholics are called to live according
to the Gospel values that apply to all Christians.
Teachers will model qualities and attitudes that strengthen the school as a faith community by:
Living their commitment to Gospel values and Catholic tradition
Integrating faith and prayer in both private and professional life
Understanding that teaching in a Catholic school is a participation in the Church's ministry of education
that the school functions in accord with Catholic tradition and the
school is committed to the Catholic philosophy of education
Accepting and supporting the faith community as a reality to be lived in worship, service, and interpersonal relationships
Taking responsibility for contributing to an atmosphere that fosters the development of the faith of the students
Being committed to personal, professional, and spiritual growth for self and others
Exhibiting personal commitment to social justice by practicing Christian justice in the classroom and school community
Acknowledging that faith is a free gift of God, requiring in response both a personal relationship and an intellectual assent
As professionals, teachers will also model other qualities consonant with their role as educators by:
Recognizing and respecting the primary role of parents/guardians in the education of their children
Integrating Christian truth and values into all courses
professionally in matters of attendance, punctuality, grooming,
language, class preparation, and interaction with students, parents/guardians, and
Giving evidence of adequate and appropriate educational background for the assigned task
Understanding the goals and objectives of the entire school program
Striving for continual professional growth
Being innovative and open to the use of current technologies and varied approaches in instruction and methodology
Being accountable to the principal and accepting of the professional evaluation of performance