5.2.6 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited
The archdiocese strives to create an environment
where all persons treat each other with dignity, charity, and respect in
accord with Christian principles and the social teachings of the
Church. See: Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity (2 April 2024) (vatican.va). Therefore, the archdiocese is committed to providing a work
environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. In that spirit, the archdiocese has adopted the standards and policies reflected in the civil laws as described below. [Note that by adopting these standards and policies the archdiocese is not waiving any legal exceptions or exemptions that may apply to it as a religious nonprofit organization.]
of or discrimination against any staff member or any person serving the
archdiocese (e.g., vendors, visitors, and volunteers) by any staff
member is strictly prohibited. Likewise, staff members and volunteers
are protected from harassment by vendors or others serving the
archdiocese. The archdiocese will treat allegations of harassment or
discrimination seriously and will investigate such allegations promptly,
confidentially, and in a manner that is appropriate to the claim.
Retaliation against any individual for making a complaint of harassment
or discrimination or for participating in a harassment or discrimination
investigation is strictly forbidden. Retaliation constitutes a
violation of this policy.
A charge of harassment, discrimination,
or retaliation shall not, in and of itself, create the presumption of
wrongdoing. However, substantiated acts of harassment, discrimination,
or retaliation will result in disciplinary action, up to and including
termination of employment. Persons found to have filed false or frivolous charges will also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Clergy are also subject to the provisions of policies relating to sexual misconduct by clergy. Harassment
can occur in the workplace when individuals are subjected to hostile or
intimidating treatment because of their race, religious creed, color,
national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability,
medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, age, or
pregnancy. It may occur at any time during work or during work-related
activities, at or away from the location. It may include but is not
limited to any or all of the following forms:
Verbal Harassment
Physical Harassment
Visual Harassment
display or circulation of derogatory, demeaning, or inflammatory
posters, cartoons, written words, drawings, or gestures (including by
email, social media, or similar transmission or by other electronic means, which, from
time to time, are included as visual harassment)
Sexual Harassment
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature when any or all of the following
apply: submission to such conduct is made either implicitly or
explicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, submission
to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis
for employment decisions, or such conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or of
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment
Specific examples of sexual harassment include but are not limited to the following:
Making unsolicited sexual advances and propositions
Using sexually degrading words to describe an individual or commenting upon an individual's body
Displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures
Telling inappropriate or sexually related jokes
Making reprisals, threats of reprisals, or implied threats of reprisals following a negative response to sexual advances
employment benefits such as promotions, favorable performance
evaluations, preferred duties or shifts, recommendations,
reclassifications, etc., in exchange for sexual favors
Persistent and unwelcome flirting, kissing, massaging, leering, or intimate touching
All archdiocesan entities are responsible for:
these policies against discrimination and harassment through regular
meetings with staff, including clergy and religious, ensuring that
everyone understands the policies and their importance
Training staff as required by law and as coordinated for locations by Human Resources
all staff, including clergy and religious, aware of these policies and
of archdiocesan commitment toward their strict enforcement
Remaining watchful for conditions that create or may lead to a hostile or offensive work environment
practices designed to create a work environment free from improper
discrimination, intimidation, harassment, or retaliation
ALL PERSONS in the archdiocese are responsible for:
Conducting themselves in a manner that contributes to a positive work environment and reflects the Church's teachings
Avoiding any activity that may be considered discriminatory, intimidating, retaliatory, unwelcome, or harassing
Informing anyone they believe is harassing them that the behavior is offensive and unwelcome
all incidents that they consider to be discrimination, intimidation,
retaliation, unwelcome, or harassment to the person in charge
discontinuing any conduct that others have told them is considered to be
discriminatory, harassing, intimidating, unwelcome, or retaliatory
serving in all archdiocesan locations who wish to report conduct that
they believe violates the harassment and discrimination policy should
follow the process in Fair Treatment/Complaint Investigation.
3-8-2021, 8-16-2022