5.7.8 Employee Assistance Program
All employees are eligible for the archdiocesan
employee assistance program. The program provides confidential
assessment and referral for appropriate assistance to employees and
family members who are having personal difficulties, such as alcohol or
drug abuse, emotional or family problems, etc. The program also provides
services designed to enrich and support employees as they experience
life changes on a wide variety of subjects such as:
Employees are free to contact this resource directly. In certain cases the archdiocese will refer employees to these services.
is no charge to speak with an intake work/life specialist, obtain a referral or
reference, or see a referred counselor for a limited period of time. All records, including
referrals and evaluations, are kept private in accordance with federal
and state laws. For information, contact liveandworkwell.com (access code 11040) or call 866-248-4104.