Skip Navigation LinksLa Purisima Concepcion School > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-02-Grading Policies > topic-5-02-3-Elementary School Grade Reporting

Student Report Cards​​

To effectively partner with parents/guardians and meet local reporting needs, the archdiocesan report card is the official vehicle to report student academic progress as well as work habits and behavior to parents/guardians.

The purpose of report cards is to effectively communicate student progress in achieving learning goals. The marks for content area subjects should reflect student mastery of grade-level standards. Work habits, including homework completion and behavior, should be recorded separately in their respective sections.

Grades at Progress Report and Report Card periods are published on SchoolSpeak.  Parents can look at SchoolSpeak to see students’ progress.

Progress reports are issued mid-way through the trimester. Report cards are given out on a trimester period (approximately every 14 weeks).

Report cards are an indicator of a student’s progress. You should make an appointment with the child’s teacher if your student’s performance is below average or failing. Effort and behavior grades are equally important. If this mark is below an “S” you must make an appointment with the student and teacher.  This is the first step of academic or behavior probation.

