• ​​The Department of Catholic Schools provides support, guidance, and assistance to Catholic schools by:

    • Assisting schools in evaluating and strengthening the Catholic identity of the school

    • Supporting the faith formation of the entire school community

    • Advancing the realization of the school's Mission and philosophy in accordance with Catholic social teachings

    • Developing resources for the faith formation of principals, teachers, and staff members as spiritual and educational leaders

    • Appointing the commissioner(s) and facilitating the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA)  accreditation for archdiocesan, parish, and independent Catholic schools

    • Providing training and support for financial oversight and planning, marketing and development, public relations, tuition and enrollment management

    • Nurturing and encouraging mutual support among Catholic schools

    • Providing opportunities for ongoing professional development for principals and teachers

    • Providing in-service programs on archdiocesan policies, practices, and procedures for school leadership

    • Fostering and implementing the goals of the Department of Catholic Schools

    • Assisting distressed schools with the development of stabilization plans

    • Responding to schools that seek reorganization and substantive change

    • Advising in the establishment and licensing of preschools 

    • Identifying potential leaders of schools and supporting the process of recruiting, selecting, and hiring new principals and presidents

    • Advising pastors in supervising  and evaluating principals at parish schools

    • Supervising and evaluating presidents and principals of archdiocesan high schools

    • Directing a systemic approach to curriculum development,  planning and evaluation

    • For archdiocesan and parish high schools, guiding the process of staff selection, guiding and assessing the effectiveness of  stewardship programs, and evaluating and promoting  effective models of school governance

    • Providing guidance on the annual budget and monthly financial reports of all schools

    • Reviewing and approving the annual budget and monitoring monthly financial reports of designated archdiocesan elementary and high schools

    • Consulting and advising on issues of student behavior and appropriate disciplinary actions

    • Providing advice and support, as needed, on personnel matters and practices

    • Encouraging active engagement in community relations

    • Approving capital improvements and capital investments in conjunction with the regional bishop's office, the  Construction Department, and the  Real Estate Department, as appropriate

    • Collaborating with C3​ on  technology projects and initiatives

    • Such other matters as may be appropriate to assist in the successful administration of schools.


