The sports program is for grades 6 – 8 and offers boys and girls basketball, soccer, volleyball, and co-ed . In order to participate in the sports program a student must show satisfactory conduct and effort and complete all assignments. To help defray the cost of equipment and referee fees, a nominal fee will be charged to participate in the Christian Athletic League. This is due and payable at the beginning of the school year. The fee entitles students to use the equipment and uniform. Parents will be charged for lost, unreturned or damaged uniforms or equipment. Sports teams for students in grades 4-5 are formed when sufficient interest permits.
Students must leave the school grounds at the termination of practice and/or game. Parents should make arrangements to pick up their child promptly after practice. Those students not picked up immediately after practice will be checked into Extended Day Care. Transportation of the team is the responsibility of each parent whose student is participating.
Participating in athletics can be an important part of the school experience. However, academic performance is of primary importance. For that reason, the policy has been established that to participate in the after school sports program a student must have a "C" average, including behavior and effort. (No D's or F's are permitted)
If a student receives a failing grade (D or F) on a progress report at the midterm of a trimester, the student will have a two-week period to bring the grade up to passing. During that two-week period, the student will not participate in student council, team practice or games. At the end of the two weeks, a passing grade will reinstate the student. The same policy will be in place for grades given at the end of a trimester during a sports season that has already started. If a student receives a failing report card grade (D or F), he or she has two weeks in which to raise the grade to passing. During that two-week period, the student may not practice or participate in games. At the end of the two-week period the student may again participate in the sports program if he or she has earned a passing grade.
Any student who is absent during the school day is not permitted to participate in any school-sponsored extra curricular activities after school, including sports.