Field trips allow teaching and learning to occur outside of the classroom. A trip should be planned in relation to ongoing unit activities, incorporating information gained through class work with the world outside of the school. Field trips should enrich children's study by involvement in a learning situation that is not easily visualized through reading or discussion. Hence, one of the objectives of the field trip is to help students understand that everything in the world around them is a laboratory for learning, that they can always enrich their knowledge if they are open to the wonders around them. Field trips also help a child learn about available resources and that people and institutions in the community hold a rich storehouse of knowledge for them. To the extent possible, the school staff seeks out field trip opportunities that are inexepensive or free of charge. In the case of more expensive trips such as Outdoor Science Camp (Gr. 6) and CIMI (Gr. 7), parents can participate in fundraising opportunities in order to receive trip scholarship funds based on the amount of the events' proceeds.