Leaving School Early
A student may not leave the school before the regular dismissal time without being signed out from the front office. Sign-out forms must include the reason for early dismissal, whether the student will return to school that day, the time of release, and a parent's or authorized pick-up's signature. The student is to be picked up in the office. No student will be dismissed directly from the classroom except for students in preschool and TK where a classroom signature is required. Doctor and dental appointments during school hours should be kept to a minimum. If a student comes after 9am, he/she is marked absent with a morning half absence ("/A"). If a student leaves 30 minutes before the dismissal bell, he/she is marked absent with an afternoon half absence ("A/"). A pupil absent from school because of television or movie contracts is considered as an ordinary absentee and is marked as such in the Pupil Attendance Register.
Leaving the School Grounds
At no time may a student leave the school grounds without adult supervision. Students who must leave the school grounds for any reason after being left in the school's custody, must be signed out at the School Office by a parent or legal guardian, or by someone with written authorization from a parent or legal guardian. We ask that the following policy be adhered to:
- The student will bring a written note FIRST to the homeroom teacher as soon as he/she arrives at school in the morning. The note should be addressed to the homeroom teacher, dated and signed; it should mention the time the student is to be released and whether he/she will return later in the day. We ask that early pick-ups be kept to a minimum as they disrupt the entire class and instructional time.
- When the student is dismissed, he/she must be signed out in the School Office; if and when the student returns to school, he/she must sign back in to the office before entering class.
- A parent or legal guardian must be present in the School Office to dismiss a child, as students are never permitted to leave school grounds during school hours unless accompanied by a parent or Guardian. Authorzed pick-ups must be listed in the child's ePACT account.
- Students involved in after-school activities may NEVER leave the school grounds without adult supervision and then return for their scheduled activity.
- A phone call or e-mail will not be sufficient to release a student from school.
- Students who walk home after school must have written permission from a parent on file in the school office.
- Students who leave school grounds without permission are subject to disciplinary action.