24.5  Parent-Teacher E-mail Policy

All teachers can be contacted at the Our Lady of Grace e-mail address. Links to faculty e-mail addresses are available on the school website at https://www.ourladyofgrace.co/apps/staff/. The exchange of e-mail between parents and faculty is encouraged to strengthen the avenue of home-school communication.  Substantive matters, however, should be discussed in person or in a telephone conversation.  Please realize that while we try to respond to parent emails as quickly as possible, it is realistic to expect a 24-36-hour response time (excluding weekends and holidays).  If your issue is more  "time sensitive," it would be better to leave a note for the teacher or call and leave a message with the school office.


24.6  Parent-Guardian Visits

Parents/Guardians or any other visitors are not to interrupt class for any reason while school is in session. Please do not enter a classroom unannounced, as it may be disruptive for the class. Forgotten lunches, books, book bags, eyeglasses, gym clothes, etc., should be left in the school office.

If you are volunteering in classrooms or the school office, please sign in and obtain a visitor pass BEFORE you go to your area, so we have an accurate account of who is on campus at any point in time.​

Parents, guardians, or other visitors may not enter the school buildings to wait for students outside classrooms before school or at dismissal times. Any person visiting the campus during the day must enter through the front doors of the school, then sign in and obtain a visitor pass at the school office.

