Our uniform policy is formed to help keep the focus on learning, build unity, limit expensive clothing costs, and create a sense of identity for the school. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that their children adhere to the policies and to support the school in this matter. Teachers will check for compliance daily and formal all school uniform checks will be held throughout the year. Students not in the proper uniform will receive a uniform violation slip and the parent will be called to bring the correct uniform. Repeated violations will result in a lowered behavior grade, detention and/or no free-dress days. Please contact the principal for any special circumstances that may need to be addressed on an individual basis to meet these uniform standards.  

Our uniform supplier is Dennis Uniform. They are located at 6459 DeSoto Avenue in Woodland Hills. Their telephone number is (818) 703-7493. You may order online by visiting their website at www.dennisuniform.com. St. Bernardine of Siena's school code is: SH00AD.


In general, when purchasing uniforms from Dennis Uniform, students will need the following:

  • REGULAR UNIFORM – consists of shorts or pants for boys and shorts, pants, or skorts for girls.  All students wear a gray or cardinal polo shirt with his/her regular uniform.  Students may wear a school sweatshirt, sweater, or Saber Wear sweatshirt on regular uniform days.
  • P.E. UNIFORM – Students may wear either navy blue P.E. shorts or sweatpants with the gray P.E. t-shirt. All students have P.E. twice a week. Students stay in their P.E. uniform all day and do not change. Students may wear a school sweatshirt or Saber Wear sweatshirt on P.E. days.
  • FULL UNIFORM – Students will wear Full Uniforms every Wednesday and as indicated on the school calendar. Students will need one Full Uniform, which consists of pants for boys (belts are optional), jumper for Girls in Grades K-4 and a skirt for girls in Grades 5-8.  All students must wear a white button up shirt from Dennis and a navy blue tie with a school sweater. Students may not wear sweatshirts on Full Uniform days; they must wear a sweater/vest.  Students may wear their regular school tennis shoes on full uniform days.
  • SABER WEAR, our school spirit wear, is available for purchase in the School Office.  Saber Wear Days are once a month, indicated on the school calendar.  Students may not wear old Festival t-shirts or other St. Bernardine shirts.


Girls Grades K-4:

  • Marymount plaid jumper or shift (jumpers must not be more than 2 inches above the top of the knee cap)
  • Navy twill skort or Marymount plaid skort (skorts must not be more than 2 inches above the top of the knee cap) *May not be worn on full uniform days.
  • White short sleeve uniform blouse with Peter Pan collar *Required for full uniform days
  • Long or short sleeve polo shirt with school logo - Gray, Cardinal, or White *May not be worn on full uniform days
  • Navy twill pants or walking shorts *May not be worn on full uniform days
  • Solid white, navy, or black ankle socks, knee socks or tights* Socks must be at least two inches above the top of the ankle – no ankle socks (Knee socks may not be worn over the knee.)
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo *One of these required for full uniform
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt (Dennis or Saber Wear) *May not be worn for full uniform


Full Uniform: Girls Grades K-4:

  • Marymount plaid jumper or shift
  • White short sleeve uniform blouse with Peter Pan collar
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo
  • Navy blue colored snap tie or knotted tie


Girls Grades 5-8:

  • Marymount Plaid skirt (skirts must not be more than 2 inches above the top of the knee cap).
  • Navy twill skort or Marymount plaid skort *May not be worn on full uniform days. (skorts must not be more than 2 inches above the top of the knee cap)
  • White short sleeve hip length uniform over-blouse, or white, tucked in uniform polo shirt
  • Long or short sleeve polo shirt with school logo - Gray, Cardinal, or White *May not be worn on full dress days
  • Navy twill pants or walking shorts *May not be worn on full uniform days
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo *Required for full uniform
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt *May not be worn for full dress uniform


Full Uniform: Girls Grades 5-8

  • Marymount plaid skirt
  • White short sleeve hip length uniform over-blouse
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo
  • Navy blue knotted tie


Boys Grades K-8:

  • Navy twill pants or walking shorts *Walking shorts may not be worn on full uniform days
  • Long or short sleeve polo shirt with school logo - Gray, Cardinal, or White *May not be worn on full uniform days
  • Long or short sleeve white broad cloth shirt *Must be worn for full uniform days
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo *Required for full uniform days
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt *May not be worn for full uniform days


Full Uniform: Boys – Grades K-8

  • Navy twill pants
  • Long or short sleeve white broad cloth shirt
  • Belts are optional
  • Navy blue pullover, sweater vest or cardigan with school logo
  • Navy blue knotted tie


P.E. Uniform: Boys and Girls Grades K-8

[May be worn all day on P.E. days with the exception of full uniform days.]

  • Shorts - Navy blue mini-mesh Dennis Uniform shorts with St. Bernardine logo
  • Shirt – Gray Dennis Uniform T-Shirt with St. Bernardine logo
  • Optional: Navy sweatpants with St. Bernardine logo *May only be worn on PE days


Optional Outer Wear

  • Navy jackets with school logo - Dennis Uniforms
  • St. Bernardine baseball caps
  • Navy blue Saber Sweatshirts or regular school sweatshirts
  • On cold days, boys and girls are permitted to wear a WHITE turtleneck under their school shirts or blouses. Uniform pants are worn for cold weather. Sweats are only permitted on PE days during cold weather.


General Requirements for Shoes and Socks


  • Shoes may be any combination of black, white, navy blue, or gray.  Shoes may also have a small logo in one of those colors. Simplicity, safety and comfort are the focus. The school's decisions on all shoes are final.  Heely, light-up, glittery, and sparkly shoes are not permitted.  High tops are allowed.
  • Socks must be solid in color – white, black, navy blue, or gray. No other stripes or decorative marks are permitted. Socks must be visible above the shoes.  No show socks/peds are not permitted.
  • Girls may wear solid black, navy blue, or white tights under their jumper or skirt.  Leggings are not permitted. 
  • Students may not wear sandals or boots.


  • St. Bernardine of Siena School requires all students to wear a conservative hairstyle. Hair should be neat and clean, a simple style, and should not interfere with vision. Extreme or “faddish" hairstyles or “spiked" hair is not permitted. Shaved heads or shaved portions of the head are not permitted. Bleached, dyed, highlighted and weaved hair or altering the hair color in any other manner is not permitted.
  • Boys' hair must be worn above the collar and above the ears and eyebrows
  • Girls' hair bands, ribbons, scrunchies, etc. should be simple and should match with the uniform colors. Ribbons, feathers or other decorations may not be woven into the hair.


  • Jewelry should be kept to a minimum, should be simple, appropriate, in good taste, and should not be distracting. Only one watch, one bracelet, one necklace and one ring per hand may be worn, if desired. The necklace must be kept under the clothing. Body piercing ornaments are not permitted.
  • Girls may wear only small stud earrings. One earring may be worn per ear and must be placed on the earlobe only. For safety reasons, hoop or dangling earrings are not allowed.  Dangling bracelets are not allowed. 
  • Boys may not wear earrings.
  • Smart watches, or any watch that has the capability to send /receive text messages or has access to the internet may not be worn.



  • Make-up is not allowed in any grade, including foundation.
  • Nail polish, in any color, is not allowed.  Students may not have gel nails, acrylic nails, nail dip powder, even in a clear color.  
  • Pimple patches must be skin tone or clear.
  • Students are not permitted to write or draw on clothing, shoes or themselves.

Free Dress / Saber Wear Days

Schools may choose to include opportunities for students to attend school out of uniform at various times throughout the school year. Clothing must be modest and non-distracting. Free dress is limited throughout the year due to expense and competition.  It is a privilege earned by having no uniform violations in the preceding month before the designated day.


When the school does offer free dress days, the following policy is in place:


Saber Wear Days

Official school Saber shirts or sweatshirts must be worn. Students may wear the uniform shorts, PE shorts, uniform pants, skirts, skorts, or jumpers with their Saber Wear. Jeans may be worn, but they may not be skinny jeans, jeggings or baggy jeans. Jeans must be a plain solid color with no decorations, tears or bleach marked fading. Students may wear athletic-type shorts or pants, but may not wear leggings.  Regular school uniform tennis shoes and socks are worn for Saber Wear days. Following the Fall Festival, students may wear this year's Festival t-shirt on our Saber Wear days.


Free Dress Days

The school provides a variety of opportunities for students to wear free dress throughout the school year. This includes free dress for birthdays. All clothing must be modest and non-distracting.


Shirts:  ​T-shirts with acceptable logos for school, polo shirts, button down shirts, sweat shirts

Sweaters, Jerseys: No bare midriff, over-sized or see-through mesh shirts

Dresses: Girls may wear dresses of appropriate length. Appropriate length is no shorter than two inches above mid-kneecap. Dresses must have sleeves.

Pants/Shorts: Uniform shorts or pants, PE shorts / Jeans may be worn, but they may not be skinny jeans, jeggings or baggy jeans. / Jeans must be a plain solid color with no decorations, tears or bleach-marked fading

Skirts/Jumpers: Uniform skirts or jumpers may be worn with a free dress top

Shoes: Tennis shoes of any color that do not go above the ankle, flats or Mary Jane's.  No boots, Uggs, or sandals

 Hair, jewelry, socks and make-up policy is the same as uniform days. No leggings may be worn.

 If there is a doubt about what to wear, please bring the article of clothing in to the principal for approval in advance. 



