Skip Navigation LinksSt. Joseph the Worker Elementary School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-01-Before & After School Policies and Programs

​St. Joseph the Worker School offers an extended school day program for children enrolled at SJW, beginning at 7:15 am and closing at 6:00 pm. 

The SJW Daycare Program exists to help parents who do not have a suitable adult available to watch their children. The after-school program provides a safe environment and organized activities for the children. Time is provided for homework, games, playtime, movies, water activities on warm days & supervised sports. Any child enrolled in St. Joseph the Worker School is eligible for the program. 

Early Drop-Off begins at 7: 15 a.m. at the tables under the Pavilion, outside of the front office. There is no charge for this session. Students are asked to remain seated and listen to the teachers on Early Drop-Off duty.

The afternoon session begins at school dismissal time until 6:00 p.m. every school day. If you are interested in having your child attend daycare on an occasional basis or a daily basis, please contact the school office or visit for information and registration forms. Please note that, unless a student or family is registered for Daycare, the daily occasional use rate will be charged. Payment is due upon pickup for occasional use. 

he Daycare fees are prorated over 12 months to keep the monthly payment manageable for our families. December and June still require payment even though daycare attendance days do not equal a full month. Fees are due and payable by the first of each month. A $15.00 fee will be charged for any payment made after the 5th of the month. For your convenience, monthly fees may be added to your FACTS account along with your tuition. 

A $20.00 late fee will be charged IMMEDIATELY (Venmo or Check - NO CASH) for each late pick-up of a child after 6 p.m. and you will continue to be charged $20.00 for each 10 minute segment thereafter. 

Consider putting an alternate adult (must be over 18) on your pickup list in the event you cannot make pickup your child by 6:00 pm to avoid late fees. 

For the safety of our students: Any siblings of students who participate in an on campus afternoon program such as choir or a sports team will be SIGNED INTO DAYCARE if they are not picked up at regular dismissal time. 

Even if your child is not signed up for monthly or occasional use daycare, you must have a completed daycare contract on file in the event of an emergency. 

​There will not be a charge for students signed into daycare while their siblings are at an ON CAMPUS afternoon program. At the completion of the afternoon program, students in the program must be picked up within 5 minutes of the program completion time. If the sibling participating in afternoon program has not been picked up and is brought to daycare, all siblings will be signed into daycare, and will be charged accordingly.​​

