At our school, most discipline is carried out by the classroom teachers. If a student becomes an extreme distraction or danger to himself or others, the student will be sent to the office for a time out. If the incident is of a physical nature, or if the student has had repeated trips to the office, the level dean of discipline will speak to the student. The parents may be contacted by both the level dean of discipline and the classroom teacher. The student will spend one or two days in a level detention. If a student’s behavior does not come under control, or if any aggressive physical contact takes place, the principal may assign a day suspension, the parent will be called and asked to pick up the student for the remainder of the day. 

Level Deans of Discipline: 

TK - 3rd Grades – 

4th - 8th Grades – Ms. Coffman

LEVEL ONE (Teacher) – Definition: (Disobedience) Any minor disturbances that interfere with classroom order and instruction.  Any minor 1st time incident.

    § Incidents:

      • Distracting and/or annoying other students from learning

      • Talking during a lesson or other quiet time

      • Writing notes and passing them to other students during class

      • Throwing anything in the classroom, hallways or outside areas

      • Constant tardiness

      • Not being prepared for class, lacking necessary supplies

      • Chewing gum in class, on the school grounds, or at any school sponsored activity

      • Failure to follow instructions promptly and thoroughly

      • Failure to keep classroom rules

      • Failure to respond to school bells or comply with safety regulations

      • Minor dress code violations

      • Calling names

      • Failure to keep desk and materials in order

      • Failure to keep textbooks covered​

      • Failure to follow uniform and good grooming regulations

      • Failure to demonstrate good table manners while eating

      • Failure to cooperate with other students.

      • Showing a negative attitude

§ Consequences:  Gradelink documentation, conversation with teacher.  Possible phone call or email to parents. Possible Disciplinary Referral.

LEVEL TWO (Dean and Teacher)  -- Definition: (Disobedience, Disrespect, or Defiance) Any repetitive LEVEL ONE incident.  Activities and attitudes that show a lack of respect for authority.

 § Incidents:

      • Repeated LEVEL ONE incidents

      • Misbehaving during safety drills

      • Unauthorized use of cell phone  

      • Unauthorized use of any other electronic device

      • Leaving classroom without permission

      • Teasing

      • Horseplay

      • Cheating

      • Showing unkindness verbally or physically

      • Touching or damaging another person’s personal property without permission

      • Destroying, damaging or defacing any school property, including all textbooks 

      • Disrespectful response to faculty, staff, volunteers, and/or peers

      • Refusing to accept correction

      • Open or persistent defiance of authority  

      • Willful defiance

§ Consequences:  Gradelink documentation, a conversation with the teacher. Referral form sent home for parent signature.  Teacher contacts parents.  Possible meeting with teacher(s) and parents.  1 or 2 detentions.  Conversation with grade level dean of discipline.  Administration may contact parents.

LEVEL THREE (Principal and Dean)  --  Definition: (Disobedience, Disrespect, or Defiance)  Any repetitive LEVEL TWO incident.  Any physical or verbal abuse.  Any activity dangerous to self or others.

 § Incidents:

      • Repeated LEVEL TWO incidents

      • Fighting

      • Bullying

      • Verbal abuse 

      • Physical violence 

      • Electronic misuse (Internet, Text, Social Media)

      • “Pantsing​”

      • Public displays of affection

      • Profanity

      • Immorality 

      • Stealing

      • Lying​

§ Consequences:  Gradelink documentation, administration contacts parents.  Disciplinary Referral/Detention forms sent home for parent signature.  Meeting with administration.  ​Possible suspension:  either in school or out of school to be determined by the administration.  Possible expulsion.

  • Serious or habitual student violations may constitute grounds for detention.
    • For less serious offenses, teachers issue referrals or disciplinary reports to students.
    • Students receiving four referrals during a trimester will receive a detention notice.
  • Junior High parents will be notified via email whenever a student receives a referral.
    • After 4 referrals, students serve an hour detention.
  • Grades 5-8 detentions will be served typically from 3:00-4:00 pm in the Junior High Classrooms. Parents will be notified of the date of detention.
  • Excessive detentions may result in suspension or removal from extra-curricular activities.
  • Parents of students in grades K-4 will be notified in writing when a student receives a referral.
    • Parents are expected to sign and return the referral notice promptly.
  • After 4 referrals, students serve an hour detention.
    • A detention notice will be sent home for grades K-5 with the date, time and place to be served.
    • This notice is to be signed by a parent and returned.
  • ​After 3 detentions, during a trimester, a parent-teacher conference will be required.
    • If a fourth detention is received, a parent-teacher conference with the principal is required.
    • Excessive detentions will result in suspension from extra-curricular activities.
  • Any level 2 or 3 behavior may result in an automatic detention.
  • All faculty and staff members reserve the right to issue an automatic detention for behaviors that may not be listed as level infractions above but require a serious response.

