Weekly Bulletin

Each week an e-mail bulletin will be the regular means of communication between the school and home. It will include important information about upcoming school, parish and other events. Information to be included in the weekly bulletin must be received in the school office by Wednesday prior by 12:00 pm for publication in Monday’s bulletin. The school principal must approve all material.
Lines of Communication
It is expected that faculty and parents will work in a partnership to implement the school policies outlined in this handbook. If a situation should arise for which you would like further clarification, whether it might concern your child, the staff, or school policy, it is expected that the following lines of communication be observed. Confidentiality, patience, and charity should govern our actions at all times, especially in matters of disagreement.
1st Teacher
2nd Principal
3rd Pastor
This means that if you have a concern about your child, GO FIRST TO THE TEACHER. If, after working with the teacher, the issue remains unresolved, then you may make an appointment with the principal. If after meeting with the principal the matter remains unresolved, then the pastor may be contacted in order to help settle the matter. Discussing your concern with others who are not involved (e.g., other parents or teachers) is inappropriate and uncharitable, may create misunderstandings, and presents a poor example for the children.
We are charged to help each of our students to develop into a collaborative, productive and independent member of society. This can only be realized if the school and home cooperate. Furthermore, any parent/guardian or other person whose conduct in a place where a school employee is required to be in the course of his/her duties materially disrupts class work or
extra-curricular activities or involves substantial disorder is guilty of a misdemeanor. This statement does not apply to any otherwise lawful employee concerted activity, including but not limited to, picketing and the distribution of handbills.
Any parent/guardian or other family member who upbraids, insults, or abuses the principal or a teacher of the school is risking their child(ren’s) continuation in the school. Any parent/guardian or other person who insults or abuses the principal or any other teacher in the presence of other school personnel, students, or parents and at a place which is on school premises or public sidewalks, streets, or other public ways adjacent to school premises or at some other place if the
principal or teacher is required to be at such other place in connection with assigned school activities, risks the continuation of their child in the school.
All private information related to individual students, teachers or staff members or the operations of the school, should be held in confidence and shared only with those who are directly involved. A breach of confidentiality is a serious infraction and will be dealt with by the administration.
Privacy and Access to Records
Maintaining confidentiality is the legal, ethical and professional responsibility of every member of the school community, including students, parents or guardians, teachers, aides, and all other employees. Every member of the school community must respect the privacy of all students, families, employees, the principal and the pastor.