
A student is tardy if he or she arrives after the time fixed by the school for the beginning of the morning or afternoon session. If the student comes after the designated time, he or she is marked absent half a day. A record of all tardiness is kept in the attendance register and records.

Late (Tardy) to School

Being on time is extremely important. Developing the habit of punctuality is good self-discipline, a life skill, and a social virtue. Ultimately it is the parent's responsibility to see that students arrive on time for school. Latecomers disturb the class and disrupt the teaching/learning process.
School begins at 7:50 a.m. Class instruction begins at 8:00 sharp and any student not unpacked and prepared for class at the 8:00 a.m. bell will be marked tardy.
All tardies are recorded on the student's permanent record.

