
Student Government 

Student Council

 Students in grades 4-8 are eligible to serve on the Student Council. Participation in Student Council includes but is not limited to the following:

For the offices of President (must have previously served or run for an office), Vice-President, Commissioner of Religious Affairs, and Commissioner of Assembly, officers must possess a 3.0 grade average or above. For the other offices, you must possess a solid C average or above. Any drop below what is outlined on the Student Council application will result in being placed on probation until the next grading period (either progress report or report card). If, at that time, the grade has not been brought up, you will be asked to step down from your office.

Behavior and Work Habits grades must be maintained as outlined on the Student Council application and must be a B or above at all times. If either of these grades drops to a B- or below, you will be placed on probation until the next reporting period (either progress report or report card). If, at that time, the grade has not come up to a B or above, you may be asked to step down from your office.

Disrespect toward faculty/staff, moderators, other Student Council members, or students, rudeness, bullying, or any other behavior which is deemed to be distracting to the successful functioning of the Council will not be tolerated and will be grounds for dismissal from Student Council. The administration and moderators reserve the right to recommend dismissal or probation for behavior/actions they deem detrimental to Student Council or to St. Francis de Sales School. Whether in or out of school, Student Council members are always representing St. Francis de Sales School.​