​Also see: https://handbook.la-archdiocese.org/chapter-13/section-13-9​

37. SFDS Discipline Policy updated 9/2022

37.1 Philosophy

St. Francis de Sales School aims to create an atmosphere where the Gospel spirit of charity, love of God, and love of neighbor are present. A discipline code is intended as a means of ensuring order and safety and to provide an environment in which teaching and learning can take place.

Students are expected to show respect to all faculty, staff, visitors and each other. Students themselves must be treated with respect. Property, whether it belongs to the school, teachers or other students, must also be treated with respect.

37.2 General SFDS Behavior Code

Students at St. Francis de Sales are expected to follow these general behavior guidelines at all times while on school grounds:

  • Obey the rules set down by each classroom teacher.

  • Comply with the uniform dress code.

  • Respect all adults and fellow students.

  • Respect school property by keeping it clean and in good repair.

  • Respect property of other students by never taking or destroying such property.

  • Eat and drink outside the classroom in the assigned area.

  • Do not chew gum.

  • Must follow Electronic Usage Policies

  • Do not ride bicycles, skateboards or roller blades on school grounds.

  • Do not cheat or participate in any form of academic dishonesty.

  • Do not bring toys from home, unless directed by a teacher. (Toys are allowed for use during After School Care.)

37.3 Consequences of Misbehavior at SFDS

Students who fail to comply with school policies will receive a consequence based on the offense committed.

It is imperative that the parents and the school work together as partners to develop the moral compass and positive discipline of each child. As such, parents are welcomed and encouraged to discuss any inquiry regarding a disciplinary offense. However, the administration, teachers, and staff reserve the right to deem appropriate consequences. Parents are expected to support the school’s discipline policy, disciplinary consequences, and any decisions made by the administration, teachers, or staff.

The consequence will be issued through the following means:

  1. Warnings

  2. Blue Slips

  3. Restorative Session

  4. Parent conference with administration

Verbal Warnings:

Verbal warnings may be issued to a student at the discretion of the classroom teacher or other staff member when a student does not follow classroom or playground rules.

Blue Slips:

Written warnings (Blue Slips) are issued at the discretion of the classroom teacher or other staff member on campus to students who have repeated difficulty following classroom and playground rules or have  committed any of the behaviors listed below:

  • Disruption in class, including talking

  • Offensive language and/or obscene signs

  • Unprepared for class

  • Disrespect to other student(s) or teacher

  • Failure to keep hands, feet, and/or objects to oneself

  • Failure to obey recess/lunch rules

The Blue Slip must be signed by a parent and returned the next day. 

A student is expected to correct his/her behavior after receipt of a Blue Slip.

Restorative Session:

  • A student who continually breaks school rules or receives 3 or more blue slips in a trimester will be required to meet with administration to discuss their behavior,  be accountable for their choices, and develop an action plan to ensure better behavior moving forward.

  • Restorative Sessions after school are considered an appropriate consequence for violation of St. Francis de Sales School discipline policy and are given at the discretion of the teacher and administration.

  • Restorative sessions will be held at a time deemed appropriate for both administration and student.

  • Students may be required to participate in a restorative session for violating any general behavior codes expected of a St. Francis de Sales student.

  • Teachers and staff have discretion to issue a disciplinary Blue Slip as a warning, or bypass the warning and assign a restorative session, depending on the nature or severity of the offense.

  • Students must participate in the assigned restorative session within one week of its assignment.

  • Failure to participate results in additional consequences which may include a parent conference or suspension.

  • Athletic practices or after-school extra curricular activities are not an excuse for missing a session.

  • Under no circumstances shall a student be detained at school without the knowledge and written consent of the parent or guardian, who should also be informed of the reason for the restorative session and the exact time it will begin and end.

  • Participation in a restorative session will be expected immediately for any student involved in any of the following behaviors:

    • fighting

    • bullying

    • destruction of property

    • vulgarity, inappropriate or offensive language, obscene gestures

    • cheating

    • willful disobedience/disrespect

    • gum chewing

    • unauthorized use of cell phone/electronic device

The student(s) who consistently fail to comply with school regulations MAY NOT be allowed to participate in team sports, cheerleading, or any other school-related activity. This includes any or all of the outings and other end of year privileges for 8th graders.

37.4 Academic Dishonesty at SFDS

Plagiarism, copying another student’s work, directly using information from the internet or other sources as your own words and other forms of academic dishonesty are serious offenses here at SFDS. Consequences for academic dishonesty may include earning zero credit for an assignment, a failing grade, and / or suspension. Consequences for academic dishonesty are given at the discretion of the teachers and administration.

38. Rules and Regulations

38.1 Maintenance of Effective Discipline

Effective discipline is maintained when there is

  • Reasonable quiet and order in the building

  • Positive correction of behavior

  • Constant encouragement of acceptable classroom conduct

  • Firm but fair treatment of difficult students

  • Consistent follow through

38.2 Disapproved Disciplinary Measures

The following disciplinary measures are forbidden:

  • All corporal punishment, including shaking and slapping

  • Language that is sarcastic or calculated to bring ridicule on the student, his or her parents, or background

  • Using religious exercises or important class assignments as punitive measures

  • Bizarre and unusual punishments

  • Withholding or altering rightfully earned academic grades

  • Any disciplinary action that isolates a student without proper supervision

38.3 Restorative Sessions

  • No student shall be required to remain in the classroom during the lunch break, or during any recess. All students are required to leave the school rooms at recess and lunchtime, unless it would occasion a danger to health

  • Restorative sessions before or after school hours are considered an appropriate means of discipline

  • A student shall not be detained in school for disciplinary or other reasons for more than one hour after the close of the school day

  • Under no circumstances shall a student be detained at school without the knowledge and consent of the parent or guardian who shall also be informed of the reason for an after school consequence and the exact time the period of detention will begin and end

38.4 Suspension

  • Any of the reasons listed for expulsion with mitigating circumstances are adequate cause for suspension of a student

  • No student shall be suspended from school for more than two consecutive weeks, unless there is an ongoing police investigation of a possible crime, in which case the student may be suspended during the entire investigation

  • Notice of suspension must be given to the parents or guardians by telephone or in a conference

  • The principal shall schedule a conference with the suspended student’s parents or guardians to discuss matters pertinent to the suspension, especially the means by which the parents or guardians and the school can cooperatively encourage the student to improve behavior. The suspended student may be present at the conference

  • In no case will a teacher on his or her own authority suspend a student.

