Counseling Policy
The mission and purpose of the school is education. Schools may not assume the responsibility for psychological counseling or therapy because they are not qualified or licensed to do so.
In addition to providing classroom instruction, schools may engage in the following limited counseling activities:
Provide advice and counseling regarding academic subjects, class selection for high school students, and student progress in school
Give limited guidance to students who present with non-academic personal issues or situations
Provide students with referrals to marriage and family therapists, child psychologists, licensed educational psychologists, psychiatrists, and similar professionals for diagnosis and treatment; if the school provides referrals to parents/guardians, the list must include at least three names of qualified people or entities
Provide career counseling through career information centers and plan periodic career days or career sessions during which students meet representatives of different professions
Retain, where necessary, appropriate professionals to provide psychological counseling services for the school or include educational testing to assess a student's academic ability, learning patterns, achievement motivation, and personality factors that are directly related to academic learning problems (prior to a contractual relationship, the principal will ensure that the professional is credentialed, licensed, insured, or otherwise properly qualified); as appropriate, the school may refer a student for specific or additional testing, generally at the expense of the parents/guardians (see School Inclusion)
Provide high school and college counseling, sharing information with parents/guardians and students about application procedures, entrance exams, scholarships, and financial aid; schools may also provide catalogs and information sessions