Flag football, basketball, softball, volleyball, and track & fieldcomprise the extracurricular sports offered outside of the regular school day. “A” and “B” teams are available for both boys and girls. All students and parents involved in school-sponsored sports activities must remember that they are representatives of the school and therefore must exemplify Christian behavior both on and off the playing field. Students and parents are required to follow the Code of Conduct distributed to all at the beginning of each sports season.
St. Euphrasia School participates in the Valley Catholic Sports League which is a competitive intramural league of Catholic schools in the San Fernando Valley for students in Grades 5-8. “A” and “B” teams are available for both boys and girls. Our sports program includes the following:
- Fall Sports: Boys-Flag Football / Girls-Volleyball
- Winter Sports: Boys-Basketball / Girls-Basketball / Track & Field
- Spring Sports: Boys-Volleyball / Girls-Softball / Track & Field / Soccer
Students in grades 3-8 can participate on the track and field team during the spring of each year. Practices are held six weeks prior to the scheduled meets.