
An Emergency Card for each child is sent home to be completed by the parent and is kept on file in the School Office. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to return cards to school and keep them updated.

When a child becomes ill or meets with an accident at school, the following procedure is followed:

  1. The parent or guardian is contacted immediately. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, other persons listed on the emergency card will be contacted.
  2. In case of a severe emergency, the paramedics or the school will transport the child to the nearest hospital or medical facility for treatment.
  3. If parents/guardians can be reached within a reasonable time, the parents/guardians will determine the place and means of providing emergency care.​

Students, who cannot participate in P.E. or other physical activities for any period of time, must present a note from the doctor stating the reason, limitations/restrictions, and length of time needed for the excuse.

