Skip Navigation LinksSaint Elizabeth of Hungary Elementary School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-15-Relationship of School to Parish


Relationship of School to Parish

The focus of the Department of Catholic Schools at the elementary school level starts with the Vision Statement: leaders establish a collaborative, ongoing culture of growth to ensure vibrant Catholic schools for future generations. The three foundational areas of faith, excellence, and stewardship also have Vision Statements that provide direction for goal-setting, planning, and evaluation of the elementary schools. These foundational areas support growth and innovation in all curricular and extracurricular school programs.

Faith: Administration and faculty are engaged in ongoing faith formation​ and extend that formation to every student so that they value and live the Catholic faith.

Excellence: Administration and Faculty exhibit professional competency and engage in ongoing professional growth so that every student masters all essential standards for every grade.

Stewardship: Administration communicates the mission, exhibits financial competency, and ensures presence and future sustainability of the school.

The Pastor is ex officio the chief administrative officer of the parish school. He implements the policies of the Department of Catholic Schools in the parish school and on points not covered by archdiocesan policies. He determines policies consistent with archdiocesan policy and appropriate to the school's needs. Relying on the expertise of the Department of Catholic Schools, the Pastor has responsibility for the administrative, personnel, spiritual, and financial aspects of the school. The immediate direction and supervision of the school program is, however, delegated to the Principal.

Administrative Responsibilities

The Pastor:

  • ​​Has the final decision, in accord with the regulations of the Department of Catholic Schools and after consultation with the principal, in all questions of admission or expulsion​ of pupils is consulted on all serious disciplinary matters and should be present at conferences with parents/guardians about serious disciplinary problems
  • Is responsible for the financial sustainability of the schooI as an ex officio member of the parish consultative school board. The Pastor ​has the right of prior approval of members and officers of the parish consultative school boards responsible for all the major and ongoing maintenance of the school plant

​Personnel Responsibilities
The Pastor:
  • Implements the personnel policies and the directives of both the Department of Catholic Schools and the archdiocese
  • Employs the Principal, in consultation with the Department of Catholic Schools, using the selection and evaluation process
  • Has the right of consultation regarding personnel changes, employment, or termination of all school employees​
  • Spiritual Responsibilities
  • The Pastor:
  • Establishes and maintains the spiritual tone of the school with the cooperation of the Principal and Faculty
  • Provides for the liturgical and sacramental life of the school​​

