All parents of St. Elizabeth Parish School students are automatically members of the PTO. No dues are required for membership. The PTO promotes school and community involvement by sponsoring community building activities and fundraising activities to support and enrich the school program PTO provides the means to become more directly involved in your child's education. All parents and teachers are encouraged to participate in meetings and special events throughout the year. Dates of meetings and events are published in the weekly newsletter.

PTO Meeting Attendance

We strongly encourage parents to attend general PTO meetings. Each parent in attendance will earn two service hours per meeting.


Each family has signed the parent contract agreeing to fundraise $475 for one student or a maximum of $900 for two or more students. Various fundraisers are sponsored by the PTO throughout the year. Many of these events are ways to meet the fundraising component of the parent financial agreement. The school calendar and newsletter gives further information.  All fundraising must be completed by 4/15/23.  Any incomplete fundraising will be billed at the beginning of May 2023.

The gift card program is another source of revenue used to meet a family's fundraising commitment. St. Elizabeth School uses A percentage of each purchase gets credited to your fundraising account. You can see what you are earning as soon as you have completed your purchase. You can place your order through your computer or phone. If you have any questions about the program, please contact

Mary Acosta at school or Our enrollment code is 1BB2DD171L25L. Orders are processed on Mondays at 8AM and your order (physical cards) is ready for pick up on Thursday morning by 9AM.  The easiest way to pay is to link your bank account through Presto Pay. If you are paying by check, payment must be sent to the office when you place your order but prior to Monday. 

Kroger stores
If you shop at Ralphs or Food 4 Less please sign up through their website, our NPO # is 84657. We DO NOT have access to personal accounts and in order to credit you with your purchases; you will have to provide us with a quarterly statement.
Service Hours

All families have committed to complete 30 service hours or pay $600. The newsletter sent by Dr. Cremer will list opportunities and links through Sign Up Genius. You may also get an invitation directly from PTO via Sign Up Genius. In order to receive credit for Sign Up Genius events be sure that you sign in and out at the event.  Any time you volunteer at an ev​ent, send supplies to be shared in the class/school, volunteer/donate in any capacity you are contributing to your service hour commitment. The exception will be financial donations that are credited through fundraising.

For service hours that are not through Sign Up Genius you will have to record those hours in the Service Hour binder located in the school office.

The first 15 hours should be completed and recorded by December 15. You will received a family report prior to school closing for Christmas vacation. Any discrepancies must be addressed with the office prior to January 19, otherwise there cannot be an adjustment. Incomplete Service Hours will be assessed at $20 per hour and due by January 31.  All 30 hours should be completed by April 15. Any discrepancies must be addressed with the office prior to May 1st otherwise there cannot be an adjustment.  Incomplete service hours will be assessed at $20 per hour and due by May 15.


