Back-To-School Night

Back to School Night, introduces all parents to administration, faculty, staff, and PTO members. It is an important evening to introduce the goals of the coming year for the school community. General school curriculum, policies and procedures will be shared. The Parent Handbook will be distributed at this meeting.

After the school-wide presentation, parents will be dismissed to the classrooms for a presentation by their child's teacher.  These presentations will allow the teachers to introduce their curriculum and classroom procedures as well as provide an initial point of communication between teachers and parents. Attendance is required to have a full understanding of the curriculum and to gain insight on your child's academic year.  This is not a night to conference with the teacher – please make an appointment with the teacher if you need to discuss your student before the official conference after the 1st trimester.  


Annual parent/teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first trimester. This is an important one on one meeting to update and discuss student academic achievement in which all parents are expected to participate. Jr. High students are required to attend conferences with their parents. Additional conferences may be requested at any time by parents, teachers or administration.

School Office

The school office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday and closes at 12:30 p.m. on Friday. Messages for faculty and staff may be left through our phone system or e-mail. Under normal circumstances, school personnel will respond to messages within 48 business hours. The principal has an “open door" policy to parents and students. When available, the principal will meet with a parent or student upon request. However, concerns (academic, behavior or social) must first be addressed with the teacher. For important or personal situations, please make an appointment to ensure time and focus.

Teacher Appointments

Parents are encouraged to consult with a teacher whenever any questions or concerns arise. Prompt communication between home and school is essential to addressing concerns before they become problems. Please contact the teacher through the phone system or teacher email. Please do not attempt to conference at dismissal or on the schoolyard, as teachers are responsible for students at that time and cannot give you their full attention.

Website www.saint-elizabeth.org

The school website is updated periodically with information. The newsletter, school handbook and calendar are posted on the school website. Email addresses for administration, faculty and staff are also available on the website.