Admission To Saint Philip The Apostle School
Admission decisions are based on such factors as, but not limited to: parishioners, siblings, space availability, school records, report cards, testing scores, teacher evaluations, student and/or parent interviews, recommendations, and participation in religious education and parish life.
Application Process And Requirements
Applicants for kindergarten must be five years of age by September 1st and applicants for the Transitional Kindergarten must be four years of age by September 1st of the academic year that they are seeking admission. Applications are accepted at any time of year but the official application process for new students is in January. The following are necessary for completing the application process:
1. Completed application
2. Verification of parishioner status (Catholic and attending Saint Philip Church during the year). This is confirmed through the Parish Center.
3. Immunization records complete with month, day and year.
4. Copy of birth and baptismal certificates.
5. Standardized test scores and/or evaluation form from previous school (form is supplied by Saint Philip School).
6. Nonrefundable application fee.
7. Entrance Test.
8. Interview.
Students are admitted after a review of the completed application packet and the outcome of the entrance test and interview. Students will be accepted in the following order:
1. Qualified Parishioners.
2. Qualified Catholics who are not Saint Philip parishioners.
3. Qualified Non Catholics.
If there are no available spaces you may request that your application be kept on file in our wait pool, and be called if there is an opening. You must reapply to be considered for the following school year.
Refund of Application or Student Fees: The application fee is non-refundable. Once school begins the student fees become non-refundable. Up until the beginning of the school year partial fees may be refundable, based on outstanding money due and materials that have been purchased or used.
All students currently enrolled will be evaluated for re-admission to Saint Philip School according to the same requirements for admissions/registration requirements (as indicated in the above information in this handbook). Re registration takes place before the interim of the school year.
Continued Enrollment – Parent Expectations
1. Parental support of the religious instruction by regular and active participation in parish religious practices and worship:
A) Weekly attendance at Mass.
B) Support of the sacramental program for Penance and Eucharist.
C) Active participation in parish activities.
D) Financial support of the church by regular envelope use, or if using Faith Direct, use of attendance cards.
2. Participation in the Parent Teacher Organization and support of fundraisers through attendance and participation are required.
3. Financial support of the school by prompt payment of fees and tuition.
4. Support of the school standards as set forth in the Parent Handbook.
Continued Enrollment – Student Expectations
1. Demonstrates a Christian attitude and conforms to school regulations in all areas.
2. Completes the basic grade level requirements and related assignments according to his/her ability.
3. Follows the school standards as set forth in the Parent Handbook.
If a student is withdrawing during a school year, or is not re-registering, the school office is to be notified prior to the last day of attendance by written notification. All tuition and fees must be paid before the last day of attendance to avoid delay in forwarding school records. Unless it is an emergency situation, tuition for the current year is still due, even if the student is withdrawn.