School Advisory Board
The general responsibilities of the school advisory board are in the following areas: strategic planning; policy development; resource development; institutional advancement; catholic identity; advice and counsel with regard to financial planning, management and reporting; marketing of the school and evaluation of the board's goals and objectives.
Parent, parent-teacher organizations, school advisory boards and their members do not have any authority to act independently on behalf of the school or parish. They are not "agents" of the school or parish and any actions taken must receive the official written approval of the pastor and/or the principal as the case may be.
Members of the School Advisory Board shall consist of the Pastor of Holy Name of Mary Parish, the Principal of Holy Name of Mary School, the parish administrator, the President(s) of the Holy Name of Marty PTG and Booster Club (ex-officio members), and 9 to 18 members with varied expertise. Under Canon Law and Archdiocesan guidelines, the members advise the administrative team (pastor and principal) and cannot make decisions binding for the parish education program without the approval of the administrative team (A Primer on Educational Governance in the Catholic Church, the CACE/NABE Governance Task Force, NCEA, 1998).
The regional supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools is available to assist and guide schools in the implementation of a school advisory board.