Illness and Ac​cident Procedures

No nurse is on duty at the school, but minor first aid is administered by the health aide or by the volunteer parent in the health room.  Parents are notified if a child is injured or ill.​​​

Only minor and very basic first aid will be administered to students at school; no secondary treatment, such as changing or removing bandages, will be administered. Parents or guardians will be contacted immediately if there is any question regarding the seriousness of or complications arising from an injury.

If a child becomes ill during school hours:

  • the parents will be contacted to come to the health room for the child
  • if the parents are not available, the person suggested on your emergency card will be contacted.
Special Health Needs

Any student with a medical or health condition that may require management or assistance during school hours requires a care plan completed by a physician.  These conditions include, but are not limited to, diabetes, epilepsy, cardiac conditions, asthma, sever allergies, etc.


Smog Alert

Physical education classes and after-school sports activities will be cancelled if there is a second-stage smog alert.  Activities will be curtailed if there is a first-stage smog alert.​

