​​ Grading System

 Grades 1 - 2:                                        

 E = Exceeds grade          M = Meets grade          T = Needs time to meet 

 level expectations            level expectations         level expectations

 Grades 3-8:  (Grade)              (Percentage)                     (GPA)

                            A                      97 – 100                          4.0

                            A-                     93 – 96                            3.8

                            B+                    90 – 92                            3.5

                            B                      87 – 89                            3.0

                            B-                     85 – 86                            2.8

                            C+                    80 – 84                            2.5

                            C                      75 – 79                            2.0

                            C-                     70 – 74                            1.8

                             D                      65 – 69                           1.0

                             F                      Below 64                         0.0


Among the factors to be considered in measuring a student's progress are: class participation, satisfactory completion of classwork and homework assignments, and success in oral and written tests.

Promotion And Retention Policy

The decision to promote a student to the next grade or to retain him or her in the present grade shall be based upon a consideration of the overall welfare of the student, i.e., made by carefully weighting academic, emotional and social factors.  Parents can assume their child will be promoted unless the alternative of retention has been discussed during the school year.  The principal, in consultation with the parents and faculty, shall make the final decision regarding retention.


In the case of a pupil with a severe learning problem, it may be necessary to recognize that the parochial school is not equipped to meet the needs of every pupil and therefore, a recommended transfer might be necessary.



