Sacraments at Saint Anne
In second and third grade, curriculum emphasis is placed upon the preparation of the students for the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist which baptised Catholic students receive in the Spring of third grade. We strongly encourage Catholic families with non-baptised children to do so before the end of second grade. Families with students beyond second grade will be referred to the parish office for information regarding the Rights of Christian Initiation For Children (RCIC) program. Baptised students in grades 4-8 wishing to participate in receiving First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation may do so. 12 weekly classes will be provided to prepare them for receiving the sacraments. Parents must attend two mandatory meetings with catechetical focus on both sacraments. Failure to attend either will result in your child not receiving the sacrament that year. Further pertinent information about the sacraments will be provided and discussed at these meetings.