Saint Anne Emergency Plan
Emergency Information
An emergency card must be completed for each child at the opening of the school year. If any changes of address or phone number occur during the school year, please notify the office immediately in writing.
All school employees are regularly certified for CPR and First Aid. If a child collapses to the ground a staff member or teacher is called to immediately attend to the student, administering first aid as needed. If the injuries or condition of the student appears to be serious, 911 is called and the student's parents are notified.
In case of illness or accident, the school will contact the parent’s home or work by telephone and follow the request of the parent. It is understood that enrollment at Saint Anne confers upon the school the obligation to select emergency care providers in the event we are unable to reach parents and that no liability would attach to such a decision in the event that the parents could not be reached.
Earthquake/Disaster Emergency Plan
In the event of a serious earthquake or some other type of disaster during school hours, please do not telephone the school. Lines must be kept open for emergency use. School gates will be closed to keep all non-essential persons outside the school grounds. During the initial evacuation
of the building, students will assemble with their appropriate class in the designated area. All students will be under the care and supervision of school staff until they are picked up. According to State law, the student will be released only to a parent/guardian or another specifically designated person. Please be sure your child knows the person you have designated and such is on record at the school.
Briefly, instructions for parents are:
Remain calm
Do not telephone the school
Check Class Dojo for messages and updates
Tune in your radio to the emergency broadcast station
When picking up your child/children, report to the adult in charge upon arrival at school in order to properly check out your child/children
If an emergency occurs outside school hours, please listen to your local radio station (AM KNX 1070) and TV news for instructions on school closure. As a general rule, Saint Anne Catholic School will follow the same procedures as those designated for the public schools in the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.
Saint Anne School conducts regular practice drills in preparation for the possibility of an earthquake, fire, or dangerous intruder.
Notification of Asbestos Management Plan Availability
Pursuant to Title 40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart E (AHERA), the local education agency is required to inform you that
A copy of this school’s AHERA Management Plan is available for your inspection in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
This Management Plan contains information regarding inspections, re-inspections, and surveillance activities that are planned or in progress.
Should you wish to review the AHERA Management Plan, please contact the school office to arrange for the opportunity to do so. An application (Form ACC-1) will be sent to you to document your request. Application review and report preparation will require a maximum of five (5) working days.
Safe Environment
Saint Anne School is deeply committed to providing the safest environment for our students and staff according to the guidelines and procedures set forth in ADLA Handbook Ch. 9. Please review for information specific to the following areas: