Parking on Campus
The school yard serves as a play area for our children. When parents are allowed through the gates to park on campus, it is a privilege not a right. For the safety and security of our children, it is imperative that all vehicles follow procedures for traffic flow and safety. All individuals must comply with staff and volunteers who are directing traffic for student safety. Parents who refuse to follow this policy put children at risk and will lose the privilege of driving onto our school yard.
Cars on Campus
All drivers must drive carefully at 5 miles per hour through the traffic line and in the parking lot. At all times, drivers must follow the directives of any parking personnel from the school or church, and watch for the safety cones and flow of traffic. Drivers may never block the gated entrances and must park in designated parking areas. Do not park in the priest's driveway or block access to the rectory garages. Do not stop and leave your car unattended, nor allow students to enter or exit the vehicle, while in the traffic line. A parent, guardian, or authorized individual who is age 18 or older must pick up students from the teacher in the line-up area or ASC. Families should instruct any drivers of these rules. Our first concern is your child's safety; please help us in this regard.
The school shares parking with the parish. Volunteers or other visitors who are staying on-site for longer than 1 hour should receive a visitors parking permit to place on their dashboard. Failure to place the permit could result in your vehicle being towed. This could incur costs (towing, storage, and other fees) for which the school and parish are not liable.
Bicycles on Campus
Because of the traffic congestion around the school, it is not recommended that students bike to and from campus. If a parent chooses to have a student use bicycle transportation, students must use all required safety gear, which includes a helmet, reflectors, and a light. Parents must ensure that the students understand the rules of traffic safety and etiquette. Once students arrive on the parish grounds, students must walk the bike to the designate bicycle area. At no time may students ride the bike anywhere on campus or the parish grounds. Students should have a lock to secure the bike outside the fenced area. At no time does the school accept liability for the storage of the bike. Students who have bikes will not be dismissed until 3:15 p.m. when a staff member escorts the students to the parking lot. Again, this is to ensure the safety of all children. Parents must place the permission form to allow a student to leave independently, appropriately signed and dated, into the school office.
Razors, skateboards, scooters, and other self-propelled vehicles are not permitted on campus at any time.