Any group traveling with minors must ensure all adults (18 and over) in the group, including other participants, clergy, parish or school staff, volunteers, chaperones and parents:
Are fingerprinted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and verification of compliance is confirmed on VPIN (Volunteer and Personal Information Network). Fingerprinting Office phone: (213) 637-7411.
Comply with the VIRTUS® Safe Environment Training by:
Minors must not be roomed with those 18 or over, unless they are with a parent or relative.
Copies of proof of Fingerprinting, current VIRTUS® Certificate, Guidelines for Adults, and Release of Liability must be on file with the sponsoring parish or school.
Requirements for Minors Under the Age Of 16
The Archdiocese strongly discourages bringing minors under 16 years of age to international events. However, if the sponsoring archdiocesan entity allows minors under the age of 16 to participate, the minor must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, or another family member (grandparent, aunt, uncle, or sibling) who is 21 years of age or older and is designated by the parent/guardian in a written, notarized document stating that the designated person has the authority to act "in loco parentis". This document is required in addition to all the other required documents. The accompanying family member/legal guardian must comply with all policies and procedures established by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Requirements for Minors Aged 16 to 17 Traveling Without a Parent
All minors shall sign a conduct agreement, which must include an acknowledgement by the minor and his/her parent/guardian that if the minor is sent home for any breach of the conduct agreement, the parent/guardian will be responsible for any and all costs associated with the transportation home.
Minors Aged 16 to 17 Traveling With a Parent
Age of Chaperones – Adult/Minor Ratio
Policies Related to World Youth Day
All policies stated above apply to World Youth Day, with the addition of these particular instructions: