Upon registering with St. Augustine School, students must submit a record of their immunizations using the State of California Pre-Kindergarten and School Immunization Record. All immunizations are recorded on this form and held in the office.
In transitional kindergarten and kindergarten, students records are reviewed each year. Parents are notified of any missing or needed dosages before the school year begins and must bring verification of these to the school office. In seventh grade, students' records are reviewed again. Parents are again notified of any necessary boosters and immunization. Parents are encouraged to bring copies of immunizations as they are completed to keep the most current information.
The school may occasionally have health screenings. In cases of suspected head lice, a student is sent to the office and assessed. If the office determines the presence of head lice, the Hair Fairies are immediately called on-site as soon as possible to check all students in the school. Parents in the school are notified on the day on which the head lice was discovered. This may occur after students have been evaluated by the hair fairies.
For any other screenings, parents would be notified in advance.