For the safety of your child/children and the convenience of the teacher please call the office before 9:00 a.m. the first day your child is absent. State Law requires that when a student is absent from school s/he may not legally be readmitted without a written note explaining the absence. It must be presented to the homeroom teacher when the student returns to school or the parents/guardians may be called to bring a note for readmission. While a phone call regarding the student’s absence is mandatory on the day of the absence it does not replace the written note.
If a child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease, please call the office so that precautions may be taken and notification sent home. A student who has been absent from school because of a reportable communicable disease must have a permit issued by the Public Health Department, a physician, or a nurse, before s/he is readmitted to school.
If you are going to be out of town, please notify the school office regarding the custodial care of your child. Emergency information should be included.
When a student is absent for an extended time e.g. fifteen (15) days during a trimester, official grades may be withheld. This decision is left to the judgment of the principal in consultation with the teacher.​

