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The student’s learning and performance at Loretto is assessed for the purpose of knowing the student's progress and providing constant feedback between the school and at home. Assessment of student learning is a major component of Loretto’s educational program as it is on-going and multi-faceted. To help Loretto students achieve high standards and become self-directed, responsible and faith-filled individuals, the Loretto faculty assess student learning with standardized and curriculum-based forms assessment.

With the “whole child” in mind, student performance is seen through these forms of formal and informal assessment and evaluation:

  • STAR Testing 

  • Assessing the Core of Religious Education (ARK) Testing

  • Title 1 Reading Program Assessments

  • Math Skills Assessments

  • Trimester Tests

  • Monthly Academic Tests

  • Chapter and Unit Tests

  • Homework and Projects

  • Daily Quizzes and Recitation

  • Student Class Participation

In all areas of student performance, results and scores derived are only one of the elements considered when determining a student's performance and in determining the effectiveness of the curriculum program. The faculty is continually trained in many forms of assessment through various seminars and workshops.

The grade given during a marking period is derived from class participation as well as from scores on quizzes, reports, assignments, projects, presentations and tests. Religion grades are based on the same criteria and on the Christian attitude and values demonstrated.

From Kindergarten through 2nd grade, the letter grades O, G, S, NI and P stand for the following:

O – Outstanding

G – Good

S – Satisfactory

NI – Needs Improvement 

P – Poor

*** Reading Grades for Grades 1 - 5 will also be graded on the O - P grading scale. Parents will be provided with a Detailed Report from the Success For All (SFA) program describing their child's progress in Reading.

From 3rd grade through 8th grade, the following table shows the equivalent letter marking:




















64% and Below

A grade of (A) reflects the student’s excellent work. The student consistently excels in all class tasks, shows creativity, and assumes active leadership in learning activities.

A grade of (B) reflects above average work. The student often does more than what is required, shows an average interest and initiative, and displays leadership in learning activities.

A grade of (C) reflects average work. The student does assigned work, shows average interest and initiative, and takes some part in classroom activities.

A grade of (D) indicates below average work. The student may not be completing all assigned work, is scoring poorly on tests, shows some interest and initiative, and usually is passive and somewhat inattentive in class.

A grade of (F) indicates failing work. The student does not fulfill minimum grade level academic requirements.

A mark of INC (incomplete) is given when required work has not been completed or submitted or tests have not yet been taken.​