Cars – Parents are responsible for supplying a safe method of transportation for their child/children to and from school. Parents who drive their children to school MUST PARK their car at a safe distance from the building. Parking your car or driving your car onto the school grounds is forbidden when the school is in session (7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.). It is for the safety of your child and for all the school children.  If repeated reminders of any offense the parent will fall under the disciplinary guidelines of the school and the appropriate consequences will be taken. A parent may be asked to remain off school premises should they elect to disrespect the request of the school 

  • No parent is legally authorized to approach any Loretto School student on the school premises at any time for any reason.

  • No parent is to remain on the school premises after leaving his/her child on the school yard in the mornings.

  • No parent is TO DRIVE in during school hours.

