The following scholarship foundations are made available for the families at our school. Announcements on dates of applications, income eligibility requirements and necessary documents for attachments are made annually.


  1.  CEF, Catholic Education Foundation

  2. SHEA, Foundation for students coming from a public school 

In-Parish or Contributing Families / Out-Parish or Non-Contributing Families

The parents always have the option to support the Church by being a Contributing/In-Parish Family or pay the FULL amount of the monthly Tuition Fee (Non-Contributing/Out-Parish).

When a family chooses to be IN-PARISH / CONTRIBUTING FAMILIES at the beginning of the school year, the parents opt for the low rate-TUITION FEE and with the agreement that CHURCH DUES are paid on time. The In-Parish families get a good amount of money saved at the end of each month / end of the school year. This is a family’s choice of supporting Our Lady of Loretto Church through the designated Sunday envelopes. Please see the Cost of Education per child at OLL on an updated monthly or annual table-presentation from the Secretary’s office.

For further clarification on In-Parish Families’ Obligation: If your status is CONTRIBUTING FAMILY to OLL Church, you pay a minimum $5.00 contribution every Sunday through a Church envelope. Envelopes with weekly dates are correspondingly designated for the Church fees. As a Member of OLL Church, your financial support is primarily recognized as well as the faith benefit that goes along with the spiritual experience.

Out-Parish or Non-Contributing to Church  

The school recognizes your right to be a non-contributing family to OLL Church and your option to pay the higher Tuition Fee rate.

For the Graduating students, in order to receive a diploma from Our Lady of Loretto School, all financial obligations (Tuition payments, including June tuition, graduation fees, PTO fees, School Activity Fee and Church contributions) are to be completed by May 15th.

