Students who receive a White Slip (Severe Warning) will receive a Detention at Recess or at Lunch in the form of being benched.

Students will be allowed to eat and use the restroom during detention.

White Slip (bigger warning) after the 3rd it becomes a yellow

  • Behavior Conduct 1st - Benched recess  

  • Disruptive in class 2nd - benched lunch

  • Disrespectful  3rd - benched for both

  • Cheating on Test  

  • Gum Chewing

  • Other: _____________ 

  • ​​​​​Detention

    ​No student shall be required to remain in the classroom during an entire recess or lunchtime as a disciplinary measure. This does not constitute "detention."

    Detention before or after school hours is considered an appropriate means of discipline.

    A student shall not be detained in school for disciplinary or other reasons for more than one hour after the close of the school day.

    ​The school must give a notice of the detention to the parents/guardians verbally by phone, in writing (hard copy or electronic), or in person during a conference. Under no circumstances shall a student be detained at school without the knowledge of the parents/guardians, who should also be informed of the reason for detention and the exact time the period of detention will begin and end.

    7-16-2021​, 9-12-2024

