Maria Regina School (MRS), following the guidelines of the Archdiocesan grading policy​, uses the following grading scale:


O Outstanding
G Good
S Satisfactory
NI Needs Improvement
P Poor


GRADES 4th – 8th

A 93 – 100 % Excellent
B+ 91 – 92 %
B 88 – 90 % Very Good
B− 85 – 87 %
C+ 80 – 84 %
C 75 – 79 % Average
C− 70 – 74 %
D 65 – 69 % Poor
F 64 % and under Not Passing

The points awarded per grade letter are as follows:




The following grading policy applies to res​earch papers, compositions, essays, and tests:

“A” Paper: Excellent work criteria
    • The paper is legible and neat.
    • The ideas presented are clear and concrete.
    • Instructions given for the assignment have been followed.
    • Specific details are included to illustrate ideas and conclusions.
    • Personalized thinking and originality are evident.  The writer has not merely repeated what has been heard or read.
    • There is no need for editorial scrutiny.

“B” Paper: Very good work
    • This paper, while very good, lacks one or more of the aforementioned criteria.

“C” Paper: Acceptable work
    • Mediocre attempts have been made to fulfill the above criteria. The writer shows only the sense of duty to complete the work assigned. Deficiencies are apparent in many criteria.

“D” Paper: Poor work
    • ​Serious deficiencies are apparent in most of the above criteria.

“F” Paper: Unacceptable work.  
    • The writer does not attempt to meet any of the criteria above.


Standards for written work are uniformly enforced across the curriculum. 

  • Written assignments are to be done in blue or black ink ONLY, except Mathematics-Math must be completed with a pencil and in legible penmanship.
  • Written work is done on standard size loose-leaf paper (8 ½” by 11”) that is ruled, clean and unfolded. Torn out spiral notebook paper is not acceptable.  
  • Written assignments may be typed (see guidelines below).
  • Multiple pages will be stapled once in the upper left-hand corner.
  • Margins will be one to one-and-a-half inches (1”–1½”) on all sides of the paper.

  • Heading
    • Student’s full name must be provided on the top line at the right of the page (right-page alignment).
  • Subject
    • Students will write the subject on the second line at the right of the page (right-page alignment).
  • Date 
    • Students will write the date on the third line at the right of the page (right-page alignment).
  • Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) 
    • ​Students will write the assigned SLE below the heading or title (left-page alignment).

In case of multiple pages, student’s name is written on top line of page two and the following pages, along with the page number.

Formal essays are double-spaced and written on one side of loose-leaf paper or typed, double-spaced, using standard type size and style.  

Research or term papers will be typed unless prior arrangement has been made with the instructor.  

Handwritten and typed papers will follow the heading and margin standards above.

Paragraphs are indented.

In case of error, draw a single line through the error, and then continue (white out is not allowed).

All work is neat, legible and proofread (i.e., all research and term papers being submitted are final drafts).

Plagiarism (copying from existing sources and/or from other students) is unacceptable. Any work containing plagiarized material will receive no credit and no opportunity for make-up.

​Late work is a sign of poor work habits and irresponsibility. A teacher does not have to accept late work, but may never accept late work after grades have been turned in to the principal.

