Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-5-ACADEMICS > section-5-04-Recess and Lunch/Nutrition


Maria Regina School (MRS), in compliance with its mission, is committed to educating students in an environment that is safe and nurturing. The school supports students in practicing good health habits by offering a well-balanced nutritious hot meal lunch program. Teachers facilitate lessons discussing nutrition and encourage students to bring healthy snacks. Additionally, recess is an excellent time for students to exercise and socialize. However, to insure safety, students must follow the following rules:

  • Students should never be in a classroom when the teacher or other school personnel are not present.
  • Students should not congregate in the corridor/hallway or bathrooms.
  • Students should patiently wait their turn to play with equipment or facilities.
  • Students should not exclude others who would like to join their activity. This is a form of bullying.
  • Wrestling, tackling, and games involving pushing are not allowed.
  • Students must follow the directions of the adult on duty without complaining or delaying.
  • Students may play only with the toys and equipment provided by the school. Toys and equipment brought from home will be confiscated unless used with the principal’s approval.
  • Teachers will lead their classes to recess and back. While in the corridors on the way to recess and returning from recess, students must walk silently to avoid disturbing other classes in session.
  • Students should stop playing immediately after the bell rings and line up without having to be told.
  • Students are not allowed to go outside the gates to retrieve balls. This is the duty of the yard supervisors.
  • When eating or drinking, students should be sitting in the designated lunch area. Students must not litter.

​Similarly, the lunch area and other school areas must be kept neat and clean. Every student is responsible for the neatness of our school. All food must be eaten while seated in designated areas at recess, lunch, after school, and may not be eaten between classes or in the classroom. Also, shoes must be of appropriate style to allow for safety, recess, and P.E. Purses must be kept in the book bag and be removed during recess and lunch times only.

Note: All students are required to leave the schoolrooms at recess and lunchtime, unless it would occasion a danger to health.

