Because I believe that Catholic education at St. Anthony of Padua School is important for my son/daughter, I agree to strive for the following and I understand that this is an excellent way to work with the school in supporting what we are trying to accomplish together for my son/daughter:
Our family will be dedicated to attending our church weekly in accordance with God’s Command. I will also strive to be an active member of my church/parish.
I will support and encourage my son/daughter’s Catholic educational and formational goals as expressed in the school’s mission statement.
I will be attentive to ensuring my son/daughter arrives promptly to school each day and to other school functions and I will email/call the school’s office any time my son/daughter has to miss school.
I will know and adhere to the standards and regulations as found in the Parent/Student Handbook, and I will ensure my son/daughter respects the same.
I will consistently be attentive to my son/daughter’s homework and other academic responsibilities.
If I have any concerns about my son/daughter, I will email/call the school and make time to visit my son/daughter’s teachers.
I will make tuition payments on time or call the business manager immediately if there is a real financial emergency.
(For Catholics:) I will enroll my son/daughter in my parish’s religious education program if he/she has not been baptized. If my son/daughter is in Grades 3-8 and has not received First Holy Communion I will make arrangements with the school for sacramental preparation.
Invitation: All family members are welcome to inquire here or at your local Catholic Parish about becoming Catholic and receiving all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
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Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Signature Date
I understand that I am at St. Anthony of Padua School because God and my family want me to be here. I know that I am created in God’s image endowed with unique dignity deserving of love, truth and respect. In light of this dignity I resolve to live a virtuous lifestyle in conformity with the Beatitudes and Commandments. Here is what I strive to do in order to fulfill my vocation as a child of God and student:
I will be dedicated to attending my church weekly in accordance with God’s Command.
I will strive to keep God’s Commandments as Jesus taught by loving God and neighbor. I will respect the dignity of my classmates and teachers by acting justly and truthfully modeling the Fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and chastity.
(For Catholics:) If enrolled, I will fully participate in my preparation for Baptism and/or First Holy Communion as needed.
I will know the conduct standards and expectations found in the Parent/Student Handbook, and I will strive to model them.
I will be respectful of school schedules and attentive to being on time for all classes and other school activities.
I will respect the role of teachers in all that concerns my responsibilities as a student.
I will strive for academic excellence while assisting my classmates in achieving their academic goals.
I will be diligent in cultivating good study habits and turning in my own work consistently and on time. I will not disrespect myself, my teacher or classmates by cheating.
I will strive to develop virtuous friendships while respecting every student. I will uphold my dignity as a child of God and of my classmates by remaining truthful and charitable in my personal and electronic conversations. I will maintain friendships that uphold and practice the virtues of chastity, modesty and self-control. I will sincerely strive to be kind, considerate, gentle and respectful towards all.
I will strive to become involved in student activities on campus.
I will remain drug, alcohol, and nicotine free. I will practice good grooming habits, abide by the dress code, and not use rude or abusive language.
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Student’s Signature Date
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Print Student’s Full Name Grade