
Reasons for Expulsion

Reasons for expulsion are, but are not limited to, the following offenses committed by students:

  • Actions gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of other students

  • Habitual profanity or vulgarity

  • Assault, battery or any threat of force or violence directed toward any school personnel or student

  • Bullying, harassing or hazing school personnel or other students

  • Open, persistent defiance of the authority of the teacher

  • Continued willful disobedience

  • Use, sale or possession of narcotics, drugs or any other controlled substance

  • Use, sale, distribution, or possession of any alcoholic beverages on or near school premises

  • Smoking or having tobacco

  • Stealing

  • Forging signatures

  • Cheating or plagiarism

  • Willful cutting, defacing or otherwise injuring in any way property, real or personal belonging to the school

  • Habitual truancy

  • Possession of harmful weapons (e.g., knives, guns, etc.) or materials that can be used as weapons

  • Possession of flammable tools such as lighters, matches, etc

  • Membership in, active involvement in, or affiliation with a gang or group responsible for coercive or violent activity

  • Actions in or out of school which are detrimental to the school’s reputation

  • Violation of the Electronic Use policies and guidelines

● Inappropriate conduct or behavior unbecoming of a student in a Catholic school.

Voluntary or Involuntary Removal (Expulsion): 

Expulsion is the permanent termination of student status at ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA School without the possibility of readmission. Involuntary withdrawal may be the consequence of four (4) disciplinary referrals or a very serious incident for which the Administrative Team believes “immediate withdrawal” may be required. Actions that may require immediate withdrawal include, but are not limited to: 

  • actions gravely detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare of the students; 

  • possession of weapons, “weapon-like or look-alike items,” fireworks, or drugs of any size, shape, or form; 

  • physical abuse, verbal abuse, bullying, and/or intentionally inflicting physical harm on any student, teacher or staff member; 

  • smoking, drinking, and/or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage at school or at a school sponsored event; 

  • theft and/or defacing school property or property belonging to others; 

  • leaving school grounds without permission of school personnel; 

The decision to require a student to withdraw is neither casual nor insensitive to the needs of the child/family involved. The Administrative Team works together with the teachers, the parents, and most importantly, the student to determine the best course of action. The individual situation of the child is carefully considered, but the Administrative Team is also obliged to consider the best interests of the entire school community. 

*Personal attacks or harassment of any teacher by a parent, harassment of another parent or a student, in lieu of proper conflict resolution may result in “withdrawal”. 

**Parents are expected to support the Administration, the faculty, and the staff in their efforts to enforce the various policies of the school. Overt harassment towards an Administrator, a teacher, another parent, or one of our students may be grounds for dismissal from the school. Any decision regarding such dismissal is made carefully by all members of the Administrative Team who take into consideration the interests of all parties involved

Procedure for Expulsion

Except in cases involving grave offenses, the following steps must be taken:

  • A conference must be held with the parents or guardians, student, teacher, and  principal present to advise the family that serious action is contemplated unless there is immediate improvement in behavior. In parish schools, the pastor should be notified of the conference, given an opportunity to attend and provided a report of the discussion.


  • If there is no improvement in behavior, the final decision will be announced at a second conference attended by the principal,Teacher, and parents or guardians. If  the parents fail, without cause, to attend the conference, the pastor, principal, and teacher will reach a final decision. The final decision rests with the pastor in consultation with the principal.

  • In no case will a teacher on his or her own authority expel a student.

  • Full credit will be given for all work accomplished by the student up to the moment of expulsion.

Written Record

A written record of the steps leading to expulsion must be kept on file with copies of all communications and reports. The following form should be used, one copy kept on file and a copy mailed to the supervisor at the Department of Catholic Schools.

Name of Student:

Offense or situation:


Parents notified by: ___________________________ Date


First Meeting:



Persons present:



Second Meeting:



Persons present:




Time of Expulsion

  • An expulsion may be made immediately if the reasons are urgent

  • Only in exceptional cases shall expulsion of an eighth grade student who has been in the school one or more years be allowed

  • If an expulsion is to take place during the last quarter of the school year or during the last semester in the case of an eighth grade student, prior approval of the Department of Catholic Schools is required before the expulsion can take effect

  • If such action is contemplated, approval shall be obtained before the announcement of the final decision to the parents at the

meeting described below

Reporting of Expulsions

  • All expulsions even if they occur at the end of the year, are to be reported by telephone to the elementary supervisor at the

Department of Catholic Schools within 24 hours. The elementary school written report, Notice of Dismissal, should be mailed promptly to the supervisor.

The County Office of Education shall be notified immediately of expulsions. A copy of the Cumulative Student Record should be held until requested.


