Student Government 


The Student Council strives to build school spirit and community through various activities. The annual Bishop’s Mass, prayer services, and Halloween Parade are some of the events organized by the Student Council. Members (from grades 5 through 8) are elected in May or June for the following school year. All speeches for students running for Student Council must be submitted for approval a week before elections. St. Gertrude the Great’s Student Council is a member of The Associated Student Councils of Catholic Schools.

All student council members must strive to maintain a B average in academic subjects, work habits, and behavior. Any member of the student council with academic, work habits, or behavior average below a C are subject to probation. If no improvement is made within a two week period, the member may be removed from the student council for the remainder of the academic year.

The following is a listing and description of the offices for Student Council:

PRESIDENT: Must be in eighth grade and part of student council for at least 2 years prior to being elected.

  • Presides over student council meetings, assemblies, and other student body activities.

  • Represents the school through community events or other school visits.

  • Prepares the agenda for meetings with cabinet members and moderator.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

VICE-PRESIDENT: Must be in seventh or eighth grade and part of the student council for at least one year.

  • Serves in absence of the president.

  • Helps in planning assemblies and other student body activities.

  • Prepares agenda for meetings with cabinet members and moderator.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

SECRETARY-TREASURER: Must be in seventh or eighth grade.

  • Keeps accurate records of all student council meetings, makes copies of the minutes and distributes them to the principal and faculty.

  • Keeps an accurate account of all student council finances. Takes charge of all student council sales.

  • Prepares agenda for meetings with cabinet members and moderator.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.​

CAMPUS MINISTRY Must be in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade.

  • Conducts morning prayers, presides at all prayer services and assemblies, assists with service activities.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

ECOLOGY REPRESENTATIVE Must be in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade.

  • Acts as chairperson for campus cleanup, assists in developing an ecological program, and plans the annual Trashion Show.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

PUBLIC RELATIONS Must be in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade.

  • Announces school activities during morning prayer, periodically writes posts for school social media account, helps to publicize fundraisers and activities.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

CLASSROOM REPRESENTATIVES: One or two for grades TK – 8

  • Coordinate information with class and teacher, works on student council activities and committees. Representatives for grades TK – 2 are allotted one class vote per category, chosen by students and teachers of those grades. Students in grades 3 – 7 elect their representative.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

REPRESENTATIVE AT LARGE: This position may be offered to the person not elected for president. This vacancy depends on yearly need.

  • Supervises all classroom representatives when engaging in activities such as: poster making and Eagle Pride Faith Families.

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.

YEARBOOK REPRESENTATIVES: Must be in seventh or eighth grade.

  • Takes pictures for all school events, prayer services, and special Masses.

  • Plans, organizes, and publishes yearbook.

  • When needed, will be asked to attend class field trips in TK-8th grade for picture taking. 

  • Follows all school rules and is a positive role model for other students.
