Extended or Excessive Absences
In case of planned extended absences, parents must apply for permission from the principal and notify all of the student’s teachers at least one week prior to departure. Advance assignments may not always be given out and all assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. must be made up upon the student’s return if the teacher deems it necessary.
If your child must leave school before that day, an incomplete may be given in any affected subject matter and all work necessary to clear the “incomplete” from the transcript must be completed during the summer in order for grades to be entered for the final trimester of the school year. Report cards may have to be picked up during the summer.
Excessive absences may result in: ineligibility to participate in field trips/extra-curricular activities, sports programs, reduction in grade(s), non-promotion, or discontinuance of enrollment, based on the student’s
failure to be present at school for enough days. Excessive absences deemed unacceptable, may
result in loss of academic credit. Absences deemed excessive, per the State of CA Educational
Code, will be reported to the local school district for disciplinary measures.