Field Trip Policies
The field trip policies listed below apply to class trips, school group trips and trips for school sport teams. These trips are privileges that must be earned based on behavior, academics, and attendance. OLR does not permit overnight trips, or trips involving boats or airplanes School employees may not be alone with a student in a vehicle.. All field trips must comply with the following requirements.
- Prior permission of the principal
- Preparation, follow-up, and specific educational goals for students
- Signed and dated Student and Youth Activity Permission Forms and Emergency Medical Authorizations from parents (to be issued to the student by the
- All Permission and Authorization Forms must be in the possession of the supervising adult during the trip.
- All participants should have appropriate student or school identification
- All archdiocesan policies on safe environment must be followed, including background checks for vendors providing the trips, as applicable.
- State law requires that a first aid kit be immediately available to the supervising adult on all excursions and field trips. First aid kits must be carried in all vehicles transporting students to school sponsored activities. Student emergency information must be immediately available to the supervising adult. At least one adult chaperone shall be in possession of a cell phone.
- Any particular student medications
- Chaperones do not receive service hours for field trips.