
Topic 10-1-6 – Bring Your Own Device Policy

All parish elementary schools, parish and Archdiocesan high schools, and religious education programs are committed to assisting students in becoming responsible digital citizens.  They can do so by giving students authentic experiences that build their skills in collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking, and that prepare them for their current and future educational experiences and careers.  The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are designed to meet this objective for students who bring or use their own electronic devices in schools or parishes or as part of their studies and faith formation.

Students may bring personal electronic devices to Locations for educational purposes with the approval of the school administration.  While at school, students are required to connect to the school's filtered network connection that is compliant with the Internet Safety Policy.

Responsibility for Personal Devices and Their Use

  • All students and their families are required to follow the Acceptable Use and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Archdiocesan AUP).
  • Students are solely responsible for their own personal devices and are to permanently label devices with identifying information.
  • The Location assumes no financial or other responsibility for personal devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged, or stolen.
  • Personal devices are subject to investigation in accordance with the Archdiocesan AUP and the Archdiocesan Administrative Handbook [see Chapter 8, Topic 8-1-11 – School Searches].
  • Students are expected to always keep their devices safe and secure.
  • If a student uses a personal device or any of its functions in a manner that intentionally violates the Location's policies or the Archdiocesan AUP, the student will be subject to disciplinary consequences.

Each Location may develop its own BYOD guidelines to accommodate its individual situation, but all guidelines must be consistent with the Archdiocesan communications policies.  Parents/guardians must sign the Bring Your Own Device Policy Acknowledgment Form indicating their agreement with the Location's BYOD Policy.

Electronic Use Policy

Bishop Alemany High School does not allow the use of electronic devices for the purpose of translation on all, but not limited to, any exam.  Per the teacher's discretion, a bilingual dictionary (paper format) may be provided during testing times.

Cell Phone/Wearable Technology

Cell phones may not be seen or heard during class time unless permitted by the teacher.  This means that a cell phone may not be used for phone calls, text messages, social media communication, or for any other purpose, including but not limited to use as a camera, a calculator, or a timepiece.

Wearables (smartwatches and other wearable technology) are permitted but cannot be used for distracting or non-academic purposes during class.  All rules regarding cell phones also apply to wearable devices.​

If a student violates this rule, the device(s) may be confiscated by Deans or Administration to be picked up by a parent/guardian.  Additionally, the student may be assigned detention.  All confiscated devices are subject to search by Deans and Administration.  Repeated violations will be treated as defiance and turned over to the Deans, and may result in detention, probation, or strict probation.

