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​​​​Topic 2-16-5 – Parent or Parent-Teacher Organizations

Bishop Alemany High Parent Association (BAPA)
The school is dependent on parental support in all areas of its operation.  It is the parent/guardian who is the primary educator, and the school is here to assist in this responsibility.  Parental involvement is, therefore, not only desirable, but essential.

The Bishop Alemany High School Parent Association (BAPA) ​exists to support the Alemany community consistent with the Mission Statement of the School and its curricular, co-curricular and spiritual programs by providing parents/guardians with service participation opportunities and to provide a forum for parent communication with the Administration.

Mission Statement – “To advocate for our Alemany students through our faithful membership by providing active leadership and thoughtful communication on our children's behalf."

The primary purposes are:

  • To oversee Chair positions and fundraising activities.
  • To provide opportunities for parents/guardians to give input on strategic planning and development.
  • To advise the School Administration on the development and implementation of school policies.
  • To provide communication avenues for parental input.

    Membership becomes effective in this organization for parents/guardians at the time of their students' enrollment at Bishop Alemany High School.

    General Meetings – The Parent Association Executive Board meets each month, September through May.  There are General Parent Association Membership meetings during the school year, which all parents are encouraged to attend.  Parents/guardians should consult the school calendar for dates and times and the school website ( for changes to the schedule of meetings.


