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The school is dependent on parental support in all areas of its operation. It is the parent who is the primary educator and the school is here to assist the parent in this responsibility. Parental involvement is, therefore, not only desirable, it is essential.

The Bishop Alemany High School Parent Association exists to support the Alemany Community consistent with the Mission Statement of the School and its curricular, co-curricular and spiritual programs by providing parents with service participation opportunities and to provide a forum for parent communication with the Administration.

Mission Statement: “To advocate for our Alemany students through our faithful membership by providing active leadership and thoughtful communication on our children’s behalf.”

The primary purposes are:

  • ●  to oversee Chair positions and fundraising activities

  • ●  to provide opportunities for parents to give input on strategic planning and development

  • ●  to advise the school administration on the development and implementation of school policies

  • ●  to provide communication avenues for parental input

    Membership becomes effective in this organization for parents or guardians, at the time of their student’s enrollment at Bishop Alemany High School.

    General Meetings

  1. The Parent Association Executive Board meets each month September through May. There are General Parent Association Membership meetings during the school year, which all parents are encouraged to attend. Parents should consult the school calendar for dates and times and the school website ( for changes to the schedule of meetings. 


NOTE: Current Constitution is being updated.


The Bishop Alemany High School Parent Association exists to support the Alemany Community consistent with the Mission Statement of the School and its curricular, co-curricular and spiritual programs by providing parents with service participation opportunities, a social organization and an avenue for parent communication with the Administration.



The name of this organization shall be the Bishop Alemany High School Parent Association.



The primary purposes are:

●  To coordinate the Parent Service Program
●  To oversee Chair support and fundraising activities
●  To provide communication avenues for parental input on matters of concern

●  To provide liaison with the Bishop Alemany School Council through the President of the Parent Association.



Membership is available to all parents whose child(ren) is(are) currently attending Bishop Alemany High School and becomes effective at the time of enrollment.

Parent Association Executive Board

Section 1 - The Principal of Bishop Alemany High School works in cooperation with the Parent Association Executive Board and shall oversee and have final approval of all proceedings.

Section 2 - The School Principal shall appoint a member of Faculty as Advisor to the Parent Association Executive Board

Section 3 - The Parent Association Executive Board consists of:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Counseling Support Chair
  • Parent Activities Chair
  • Arts Chair
  • Athletics Chair
  • Parent Service Program Chair
  • Faculty Advisor
  • Principal

Section 4 - Term of Office: Each Executive Board member shall serve a term of office of one year, June 1 through May 31, with a maximum of two years consecutively.

Section 5 - Voting: Decisions on all matters shall be the outcome of a consensus. A simple majority of votes, one per member present, shall affirm the decision.

Section 6 - Quorum: The Executive Board members present shall constitute a quorum.

Section 7 - Participation: All members of the Executive Board are expected to be present at some of the events put on by the Parent Association and the school, such as Back-to-School Night, New Parent Orientation, Freshman Registration day, Open House, Casino Night, Golf Tournament, and Post Prom.

Parent Association Executive Board Member Appointment

Section 1 - Eligibility for Office

a. Positions on the Executive Board are open to all members of the Parent Association.
b. If more than one person wishes to take a position, they may share in the position.

Section 2 - If a position becomes available during the school year due to a resignation or vacancy, the position will be filled through the recommendation of the President of the Parent Association with the approval of the Principal.

Section 3 - Any person who wishes to be a member of the Executive Board for the following year shall submit their name to the Secretary before the March meeting of the Leadership Team.

Section 4 - At the March meeting, the members shall draw up a list of assignments and persons who wish to either continue in their position and/or those who wish to apply for vacant positions.

Section 5 - Where more than one person wishes to be considered for an Executive Board position of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, or when there is only one person running for the office, their names shall be placed on an election ballot.

Executive Board positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer are to be voted upon by ballots, approved by the Principal, sent to Parents and guardians in the April issue of the “Alemanian,” available in hard- copy in the Administration Office, and on the Bishop Alemany website.


Removal From Office

Section 1 - The School Principal may remove an Executive Board member from office for any just reason. The School Principal will appoint a new member on the recommendation of the Parent Association President.



Section 1 - The responsibilities of the President shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Presiding at all meetings of the Executive Board, general meetings of the Parent Association, and at 
special meetings;

b. Approving the volunteer committee heads;
c. Being the representative for the Bishop Alemany community to the School Administration; d. Approving fundraisers proposed by the Executive Board committees;
e. Developing a budget and approving requests for expenditures.

Section 2 - The responsibilities of the Vice President shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Performing the duties of an absent President;
b. Performing such duties as assigned by the President;
c. Arranging for annual elections and forming a Nomination Committee consisting of 2-3 current Board members 
and general Parent Association members. Committee members should not be running for a current Executive Board position.

Section 3 - The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Taking and publishing minutes of meetings:
b. Notifying the members of all meetings, publishing an agenda, and taking attendance;
c. Ensuring parents’ awareness, interest, and involvement in school functions through email, telephone, and 
printed materials;

d. Assisting the Chair for the Parent Service Program.
e. Submitting monthly publications to Church bulletins, the Alemanian, and the Alumni newsletter.

Section 4 - The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Coordinating accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Association with each Event Chair and/or a 
Committee Treasurer and the school bookkeeper.

b. Reporting receipts, disbursements and balance to the Executive Board and to the general membership at regularly scheduled meetings.

Section 5 - The responsibilities of the Parent Service Program Chair shall include, but not be restricted to:

a. Overseeing the Parent Mandatory Service Hours Program; keeping accurate records of each family’s service program fulfillment;

b. Notifying the general membership of their standings on a quarterly basis; c. Obtaining volunteer needs, and submitting volunteer lists for those needs.

Section 6 - The responsibilities of the Counseling Support Chair shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Coordinating parent volunteers to support and facilitate activities run by the Counseling Department and 
other academically orientated activities;

b. Reporting the schedule of events to the Executive Board at monthly meetings and requesting participation as needed.

Section 7 - The responsibilities of the Parent Activities Chair shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Working with and supporting committee chairs to plan and implement Parent Association fundraisers such as 
Communion Breakfasts, Casino Night, and Golf Tournament to raise funds for Post Prom and other activities;

b. Creating committees to run activities such as the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and recognizing teacher birthdays;

c. Helping organize parent volunteers for such activities; d. Reporting to the Executive Board at monthly meetings.

Section 8 - The responsibilities of the Arts Chair shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Coordinating parent volunteers to support the Visual Arts, Drama, Band, Schola, and Dance programs of the 
school and to effect approved fundraisers each year to help support them; b. Reporting to the Executive Board at monthly meetings.

Section 9 - The responsibilities of the Athletics Chair shall include, but not be restricted to:
a. Coordinating parent volunteers to support the Athletic programs of the school; b. Reporting to the Executive Board at monthly meetings.


Parent Association Meetings

Section 1 - The Parent Association Executive Board shall meet on the first Wednesday of the month, September through May unless otherwise noted. All Executive Board members must be present. All Association members are invited. Members should consult the school calendar and website for dates and times.

Section 2 - The meetings are intended to:

▪  Plan and coordinate the work of the Association committees
▪  Coordinate the Bishop Alemany Parent Service Program
▪  Develop an annual budget and approve requests for expenditures for the Association
▪  Approve fundraisers proposed by the Chair Committees
▪  Represent the interests of the Alemany Community to the School Administration

▪  Discuss parent concerns. Parents must submit their concern in writing one (1) week before the meeting

to the President of the Parent Association.

Section 3 - The Parent Association will have General Meetings for all members. These meetings shall provide occasional religious programs, programs of interest, and information.

The General Meetings are also to inform parents on the status of the Association, current activities of the school, and to give updates on School Administration information.

During these meetings, parents will be allowed to voice their opinions in a courteous and professional manner.

Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees

Section 1 - There shall be such special Ad-Hoc Committees set up as needed by the Executive Board members.



Common sense and cooperation shall be the basis of authority for all parliamentary procedures.



Amendments to this Constitution require a simple majority vote of the Executive Board members of the Parent Association and the approval of the Principal. All revisions hereafter must be submitted on a yearly basis to be reviewed and approved by August of said year.


Effective Date

This Constitution shall go into effect on July 1st, 2007. Upon adoption, any previous Constitution shall be null and void. ​

