Topic 5-01-3 – Homework
On average, students should anticipate a total of two to three hours of homework to be assigned each day. Honor students studying the more demanding Advanced Placement courses can expect an additional hour of home study.
Students, however, must accept the fact that frequently they will have assignments that may take more than these suggested times. It is understood that even when no written or reading assignments are given, the student should spend a reasonable amount of time re-reading class notes and preparing for the next day's lessons. If a student is absent from school, homework assignments must be made up, which is the sole responsibility of the student.
In cases of hospitalization or prolonged, serious illness (five school days or more), a parent/guardian must call the Counseling Office to have homework provided for the student. At least 24 hours' notice must be given to allow teacher(s) the time to provide an assignment. Direct contact with the teachers through email is encouraged for assignments not posted on Canvas.
Class information, homework and grades are posted online on Canvas (
Parents/guardians can access this information by logging in with their students' credentials.